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Ae had a good night sleep, he was actually smiling when he woke up to get ready for work.

His head was full of the events of the weekend, actually was full of a particular face he yearns to see. Ae suddenly felt a slight tug on his heart, as he realized something.

"Will I ever see him again?"

Ae asked the question to himself, a bit worried, a bit sad as he goes to the bathroom.

When they came back, Ae was slapped with the reality the the beautiful creature who seem to have etched his whole his being into his system in a span of two days is from a world that seems to be light years away from him.

Ae shook his head, trying to dismiss the sudden pain that he is feeling in his heart. He was unsure why he feels this way, all he knew was he wanted to meet him, to be with him, to eat with him, to smile and laugh with him, to make sure he is okay, to take care of him.

He was remembering the serene and peaceful feeling of staying beside him, even without saying word. Just feeling his warmth beside him was all it took to remove the pain he was keeping for the last three years. He immediately knew that he was special.

"If it was all just a good dream. Then, I thank the heavens for letting me experience one. I hope he will stay happy."

Ae accepted that probability and walked out of his house to start another day, bringing the smile of the adorable angel he met over the weekend.


Pete was all energetic when he went to the kitchen and saw that Noh has already prepared breakfast for both of them.

"Dig in!" Noh said.

Pete seated on the table and started taking care of what his bestfriend prepared, a wide smile not leaving his face for a second.

"Pete, will you stop it! It's creeping me out!"

Noh was looking at the person infront of him with a jokingly disgusted but amused expression.

"Hey, what did I do?" Pete was confused as he stuffed his face his with a toast.

"You looked like a person who just realized the bliss of being in love!"

Pete choked on the food in his mouth. He was punching his chest and coughing. Noh was laughing out loud while shoving the glass of water to him.

"What the hell were you saying, Noh? Are you trying to kill your talent!"

Pete had tears on both his eyes while Noh was still laughing. And he is not done teasing his naive bestfriend.

People may not believe but this actor, who had captured the hearts and minds of millions, has never been into a romantic relationship with anyone. He had tried, several times, but even before it took the next level, it had already failed miserably.

"Well, you had this creepy smile on your idiotic face! Hahaha. Is it because of your P'Ae?"

Noh teased, making sure to put so much stress on the last word.

Pete turned crimson all over but glared on his bestfriend which earned another round of laughter from the teasing guy as the latter stood up to go the center table in the living room.

Noh was slow to come back to observe his bestfriend, who continued to eat while pouting but with the happy smile in his eyes. He found the expression really funny.

They never really talked about Pete's preference. Maybe because the latter had gave up on the idea of having intimate relationship with anyone. Noh had witnessed all the failed attempts that he knew only added to the already scarred heart of Pete. But he definitely know when his bestfriend is paying special attention to someone in particular!

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