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The director provided last minute reminders before everyone heard that today is a wrap. It ended earlier than expected, much to Pete's delight because it gave him a 3-hr window before his next event which will be at 2pm.

Pete immediately run towards Noh and Ae, who seemed to be talking about something serious. But before he could approach them, Tin stood infront of him.

"See you on our next shoot, Pete. It has been really a pleasure to work with you." Tin said in a sweet tone.

"Thank you, Tin. Let's do our best next time too. I have to go." Pete answered, casually while smiling.

Tin nodded as he looked at Pete who was walking towards his manager and the guy named Ae.

Ae saw Pete approaching them after talking to Tin. He also noticed how Tin's gaze followed Pete until he left. He really felt uncomfortable at the way that guy looked at Pete. To make things worst, he remembered their kissing scene. The memory added to the discomfort he is trying to suppress.

"P'Ae! Sorry that you had to wait long. Did you get bored?"

"No, not at all. It is my first time to see a shoot. Everyone was moving about and so busy."

Ae was still in awe how people go about and it seems to be more busier now that they are clearing the set.

"I'm hungry now, P'Ae. Let's have lunch. Noh, are you joining us?"

"I can't, Pete. I have to be at Amarin Mall to settle some minor issues about your event. Also, I have already eaten. And besides, I don't want to be in your way." Noh was again teasing his talent.

"Noh! What are you saying? We are just having lunch."

Pete turned red and the last sentence was more of like a whisper than an argument. Noh was laughing, hysterically.

"Ae, kindly make sure that this guy is at the event atleast 30 minutes before the start time. It will be at Amarin Mall." Noh turning to Ae, who was so absorbed at the adorable reaction of Pete.

"Don't worry, Noh. We will have lunch somewhere near so Pete won't be late."

"I'm a responsible individual, Noh. You don't have to remind P'Ae about my event 'coz I will definitely be there!"

Pete sounded really annoyed, glaring at his manager. Noh and Ae chuckled.

"Don't be annoyed, Pete. The reminder was actually for me."

Ae reached out to ruffle the annoyed guy's hair while smiling sweetly. Pete was wide-eyed, blushing profusely seeing how handsome Ae was while Noh rolled his eyes.

"Noh, we'll go ahead. I'll make sure to return him by 130." Ae winked to Pete which added another shade of pink to the guy's cheek.


As they got to the car, Pete was talking non-stop. Even when he was seated and wearing the seatbelt.

"P'Ae, I'm really sorry you had to wait. I didn't realize you will come early. It was a busy day. We started at around 5am because we had to shoot a scene that needed sunsrise in the background. And you know..."


Ae was looking intently at the talkative guy seated on his passenger seat, remembering how another guy was holding his adorable angel's face and lips. The thought was making Ae crazy, all he could think about was removing the traces of those touches from his angel. So when, Pete turned his face to him after he called, he immediately took his cheek to his palms and brought his lips to his.

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