Final Battle pt 2

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Night arrived and upstairs in the bedroom, there was moaning and grunting. There was a movements underneath the bed covers. Ever since Sam and Guy got back from their date, they started a little fun time in their bedroom while Jasmine and Mr Jenkins were sleeping barely hear a thing.

Later, Guy pulled back the cover and said while breathing, "Wow. What a energy." Sam said also breathing, "I didn't know you had it in you." He said, "Well, it's your fault for starting this." Guy leaned down to Sam and both of them snuzzled each other's noses.

As soon they went to sleep, Sam carefully and slowly got Guy out of Sam's between legs and take out the items of hearts. I believe it's time to set them free. Sam thought. He puts the items under his pillow and lay down next to Guy who wrapped his arms around his little husband. Sam leaned in closer to Guy's chest and went to sleep.

In a dream, Sam sees three angels flying around. It's the ghosts of the prison wives. The beauty wife said, "Thank you, young man. You have saved us and set our souls free." Sam said, "Well, it wasn't just me. I have friends who helped me." Beauty said, "But it's a fine thing that you did for us." He said, "It was nothing. I'm just glad it's finally over." Three women frowned. Something that is far from over.

Young wife said, "Well, it is over for us." Sam asked, "What about me?" Tall wife said, "You're still in danger, sir. Snerz is still alive and mad. And he wants to take your life." He asked, "How can he? I locked the door." Beauty said, "But you have the key. That's only one that Snerz will find." Small wife said, "Not to mention, he still has that ring. Once that is on your finger, not only you'll forget your own life, he'll gain back all of his powers."

Sam woke up from the dream. He looked under his pillow and the items are destroyed. Sam pulled out the key and whispered, "I've got to get rid of it. I have to put it someplace where he can't..." Then, Sam remembers something. There is one way where Snerz can never find.

He got out of the bed, puts on his red hat, and before he can walked out, Sam looked at Guy one more time. Sam whispered, "I'll come back to you. I promise." He walked out the door and walked down the stairs to get to the front door. By the small door, a hand pulled itself out through under the door and morth into another Snerz. The Snerz clone open his eyes and they're bloody dangerous red.

Sam walked down the path that leads to the old well while looking around and making sure that he won't get ambushed. Behind him is a clone Snerz following him. Sam made it to the well. He opened the wooden top of the well with a big strong branch. He pulled out the Z key from under his hat.

But just before Sam was about to drop the key, a really thick strong web suddenly shoots out and got Sam's hands. "Heeeerrrreeee's Snerzy!" Snerz said and pulled Sam towards him.

In the house and the family room, the two doors were pounding from behind, especially there's a green light. The real Snerz was trying to get out.

Back outside, Sam was struggling to free himself from Snerz's web grip, but it's just too strong as Snerz is pulling Sam very close.

"Hey, you!" All heads turned to the owner of a voice. It's Jasmine, riding on her bike and behind her is Mr Jenkins ready for action. "Let him go!" Jasmine yelled before rode down the hill towards Sam and Snerz. With a very sharp kitchen knife, she sliced the spider web, freeing Sam.

Snerz yelled angrily before using his spider web power to grab Jasmine and threw her to the tree. "How many times do you have to get in my way, you little meddler!" Mr Jenkins attacked Snerz, but he got thrown off by the copy.

Just before Snerz walked towards Sam with the ring in his hand, someone suddenly grabbed him from behind and hold him back. It's not Jasmine or Mr Jenkins. It's...

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