Treasure Hunt #1

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Sam walked in the garden looking for one of the ghost hearts and perhaps Guy as well. The garden is all different since the last time he came here.

There are no hummingbirds around and the heart flowers are dripping a some kind of smelling slime. The Dragon Snipers started snipping at Sam's legs. He stepped on them so they won't snap.

Behind Sam in a some kind of well, a big blue Dragon Snipers grabbed hold of him and rolled him around close to the well mouth. Sam grabbed the weed cutter and started cutting the vines. The cut vine slithered back in the well mouth.

Sam was about to get up, until the buzzing like a bee sounds hummingbirds buzzed around him and grabbed the emerald triangle that was dropped when the Dragon Snipers grabbed him. Sam took off his red hat and threw it at the hummingbirds like a frisbee.

He walked to the dead hummingbirds which were pouring out sands. Like how the rat poured out the sand after Mr Jenkins attacked it when it was a jumping mouse. Sam puts his hat back on his head and picked up the stone.

"Sam, are you okay?" Jasmine asked from Sam's earpiece. Sam said, "I'm okay. Just some things attacking me. But I took them down. Also, the hummingbirds were trying to steal this stone you gave me. Why?"

There was a soft silence for a minute. Jasmine said, "Wait a minute. Sam, try to look through the stone's hole." Sam made a confused look before looked through the emerald's hole. When he did, everything around him through the hole eye are grey. No colors or anything. "What do you see?" Jasmine asked. Sam said, "There's no colors. Everything's grey." She said, "That must be what Michelle mentioned. When you look through that marble, it's like you're seeing through the eye of truth."

Sam said, "So that's why they were trying to get this. Snerz knew that I'll find the hearts and Guy. It's great to see bad and find things." He looked through the marble eye to look around. Then, he noticed something's different.

He saw a bright green light shining on something. It has to be one of those hearts. As soon Sam puts the emerald triangle in his bag, a machinery suddenly starting to move.

On it is Yes Man whose body is now a big as a pumpkin. His whole body has been sized like a pumpkin. And it looks like he's been controlled by those chefs who are wearing an army uniform. Snerz must've did horrible thing to his own assistant when Yes Man says too much.

"Sorry, Mr Am-I." Yes Man apologized as he was forced by the chefs to control the machine to kill Sam. His voice has sounded like it has been smooshed and echo like. Sam dodged quickly and avoiding the grasshopper machine's sharp ones. "I am so sorry. Mr Snerz is forcing me to kill you. I don't want to hurt you."

When Sam backed up to the bridge and the machine follows, its wights on the bridge breaks and the machine along with Yes Man and the servants are sinking into the water.

Yes Man hurried broke free from the servants' control. With a free hand, Yes Man pulled out a round object from the machine. "Take it!" Yes Man shouted his last words and Sam grabbed the object just in time.

When the machine, the chefs, and Yes Man died in the water, all of the colors in the backyard has turned into grey. Just like what the emerald triangle sees.

"Thank you, mister! You found me! But, there are still two more hearts out there." A young wife said from the glowing green object. Sam said, "Don't worry. I'm getting the hang of it."

Sam noticed a bit of the shadow is moving. He looked up and saw a full moon is about to be block by a some kind of letter. If Sam could guess, it has to be a gigantic Z.

Sam shouldn't known that Snerz will add something differently. He's using a moon as the eclipse with a Z as a time limit. Now, Sam has no time to lose. He must beat this game so he can get back home along with a save souls and Guy alive.

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