Treasure Hunt #2

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Sam heard a old woman singing from the distance. It must be coming from the downstairs theater. He walked to the downstairs and in the theater. But inside is very dark. Sam found the flashlight sitting on the floor before picked it up.

He turned on the flashlight and walked down while shining lights on the seats. It's very quiet in there. Too quiet. There weren't any panda dogs sitting on their seats. Especially not on the viewing seat.

Sam heard something. Something like a low quiet growl. And it's coming from above Sam's head. He shines the light up in the ceiling. Sitting or was sleeping on the ceiling are a bunch of the other panda dogs. But instead of what they're using looked like, they're looked like bats. Their fur is all black and when they open their eyes, they're bright dangerous red.

With them is the Other EB. All of her fur including her clothes are black like the panda bat dogs. Her eyes are also bloody red and her teeth are so sharp that they can go right through anything. The other bat EB growled at Sam for flashing the light on her and the bat pandas. Sam quickly turned off the lights and all the bat-likes went back to sleep.

A light suddenly turned on behind Sam. He turned around and see the light shine on the big wrapped candy paper which is hanging on the stage.

Sam climbed on the stage and walked close to the wrapping paper candy. He pulled out his emerald marble and looked through the hole. Behind in the marble's eye, inside the wrapper is a twisted arms and inside the hands is a glowing blue item. It has to be a second heart of the ghost woman.

Putting the marble back in his bag, Sam stick his hand in the candy wrapper and pulled the twisted hands out. The hands and arms are all slimy and the fur are pink and green.

Sam opened the hands and saw a pearl ring on the green hand finger. Sam said, "The pearl. Of coarse." Jasmine warned from the earpiece, "Be careful, Sam. This is way too easy. Something will suddenly pop out and attack." He scoffed, "Come on. What could possibly be attacking when I grab the second one?" He reached out and takes the pearl. Then, two hands clapped on Sam's hand. Sam screamed.

"Theif! Give it back!" The Other Michelle and Gluntz popped out the wrapper. Their faces are all messed up. All bodies got all twisted and gooy all over.

Other Michelle and Gluntz keep calling Sam thief and yelling him to give the ring back as they crawled towards him. Sam tried to pull his hand out of their grip, but their grip are just too tight and strong.

Sam looked up at the sleeping bat panda dogs and bat EB. He took out the flashlight that he stored it in before and started turning on and off repeatedly at the bats to wake them up. They started to wake up by the light and then get all mad. Sam threw the flashlight at the bats to cause them to get angry.

The bats including the Other EB flew down towards Sam. The little Who waited for the right moment for the bats to get closer. He looked at the twisted impostors as they got little close to him and EB the panda bats that were moving closer fast.

Wait for it. Wait for it. Sam patiently said. The bats are getting so very close to Sam in full speed and... Now! Sam ducked and all of the bat panda dogs and the Other EB attacked the Other Gluntz and Michelle, causing them to let go of Sam who got the second item.

The Other Michelle, EB, Gluntz, and the panda dog bats has became frozen as the whole theater is turning grey.

"Hurry, young man. His web is unwinding." The tall woman said as the the pearl was glowing blue. Two down and one to go. But the game is far from over. Sam still needs to find one more heart and he still haven't find Guy yet. Sam puts the second heart item in his bag and walked out of the theater to go upstairs to the dance hall.

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