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“Do not be followed by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.”

🏵️ 🏵️ 🏵️

On the streets of little Hangleton
Hermione stared in amazement at the strange situation she had gotten into. At her side was no one but the dark lord himself. What amazed her most was the ease with which he walked around and watched the families out shopping.

A small market had started that day and the most normal thing was the noise, the happiness of those families and above all utensils, clothes, food and more things of Muggle origin.

Voldermort turned to her and pointed to a clothing stall where they sold hats. Without waiting for an answer, he dragged her to the stall in a hurry.

- Look, this one would always look great on you.

He said picking up the hat and putting it on his head.
She laughed shaking her head, it was a ridiculous hat.

- Don't try to play.

Then the girl grabbed another more hideous hat and put it on him in revenge form.

- And that? So that we go to game?

She nodded and they both laughed. The joke went so far that Voldermort bought both hats to continue his date with them on.

- So we are different from everyone.

He told her when he bought the hats and she blushed when, as they passed through the next streets, everyone turned to look at them.
She did not complain because she would not see those people, at least not very soon again. So she followed him to the next stall, a food stall where they sold cupcakes of all kinds along with tea.

- Let's sit down and try something.

Hermione sat across from him at a small table next to the booth. A very handsome boy approached them to attend them.

- What would you like?

The waiter asked looking only at Hermione, which did not go unnoticed by Voldermort who was not long in getting annoyed.

- Is there something typical of the area? You can bring us what is most typical along with a green tea.

Hermione answered him and felt a hand on hers, resting on the table. She looked up at Voldermort who was looking at her with a smile.

- My love and I are on our honeymoon and apparently the cravings have already started. We shouldn't have spent that long in bed.

If the boy had only been looking at Hermione, now he looked at Voldermort somewhat embarrassed and left after writing down their requests.
Hermione slapped his hand.

- Why did you tell him that?

- Didn't you see how he looked at you? I couldn't afford competition.

- What competition? You are much more handsome than him.

- Only when I'm in this shape, right?

- And why aren't you always like this?

Voldemort fell silent without being able to answer her. The girl had broken his heart with a simple phrase. He already knew that he was not the one he was when he was young but he believed he was talking to a mature person.

- Hermione, do you know how many people I've killed? How much harm have I done to family by their simple blood?

- Do you regret that?

- If I didn't I wouldn't be here with you, a Muggle-born. Furthermore, my appearance is a consequence of all the things I did. It is a reminder that you receive what you give.

- But you're not bad anymore.

- If you don't like me, you can go back to Hogwarts and that's it. I'm not forcing you.

Voldermort got up walking in the direction they had come from, in the direction of his mansion.
Hermione regretted behaving like a child inexperienced in love, and like a superficial one. But she just wanted to see him more human, not be with a snake.
She got up following him and in silence they reached the mansion.

Harry was on the Quiditch pitch with the Gryffindor team. Today it was training because they would soon have a match against Slytherin.

From one moment to another he felt a pain in his forehead. This was more exaggerated than the previous pains when communicating with the dark lord. This time it seemed that he wanted to make him suffer.

- Harry, are you okay?

He heard a female voice in the background.
He closed his eyes but this time he didn't see darkness like the other times. This time he saw his godfather, Sirius Black, being tortured by Voldermort at the ministry.

The screams were unbearable to his ear and there was nothing he could do to help him. He felt powerless. He must go there to save him.

This time instead of coming to his senses, everything went black and he ended up passing out.

Mansion of the dark lord
Upon reaching the mansion Voldermort climbed the stairs leaving her alone at the bottom of the house.

Hermione wanted to talk to him and apologize but she didn't know how he would take it. She was scared but as a good Gryffindor that didn't stop her. She went up to his room and knocked twice on the door before entering.

- Voldy, are you alright?

The door opened by itself and she entered seeing him lying on his bed.

- What did you call me?

- Voldy.

She said embarrassed as she walked closer to his bed. She stood next to the bed and saw him lying there, still glamorous.

- Return to your look, like before. Please.

- No. I don't want to look bad around you. You do not deserve it.

- That does not matter to me!

The girl screamed, throwing herself onto the bed, she was left with her legs on either side of Voldermort's hip being seated on him. She placed her hands on his chest starting a caress on the clothes.

- If you want to see yourself like this, it's your decision.

- Don't you understand that I want to like you? You are an angel in my life, and I am a gray demon in yours.

Hermione was going to correct him but an owl came through the bedroom window making a letter fall on her. She grabbed it and looked down at the boy.

- You're going to wait for me? I have to read it.

He simply nodded and she got up and headed for the room he had granted her.
Sitting on the bed, she read the letter.

"Herms, how are you? I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. If he had not seen into me, he would not have known you and would not have become obsessed with you. I wish I could go back to the past and avoid it. Tell me at least that he treats you well. I am somewhat alone without you. And news from Sirius has me worried, he hasn't been home since last night. I told Dumbledore that he would need to be alone but it was not to worry him. I fear for him. Wish you were here with me. I need you. Please take care of Voldermort and come back soon. Goodbye, Harry."

«Harry, if you only knew. I've broken the heart of someone who I didn't think had one in the first place. He should take care of me.»




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