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“Because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you and I’m home.”

🏵️ 🏵️ 🏵️

This time when his friend came to be himself again, it was Hermione who ran off embarrassed for having been carried away by her instincts and the desire that was being born in her.

She didn't have time to ask herself stupid questions, she had to go to class and excel to earn the respect of her teachers. She couldn't let this affect her surrender in studies. They were just about to enter fifth year the following year and this year should end as it began, with excellence marks.

But even if that was repeated in her mind, she couldn't be attentive to Professor Snape who was now imparting potions to her, nor to her friends who seemed concerned about her. She was just wondering why Voldermort had mentioned Snape to her if she wanted to see him, was she actually right? Was Snape a traitor?

Another question that ran through her head was how she had been able to fall so easily at his feet, he was a classist and anti-Muggle assassin in his seventies. She was the last profile of a girl that the dark lord would like and every time they saw each other, rarely twice, it was with his best friend who she actually kissed and caressed.

Those unanswered questions did not let her live but she knew exactly what she had to do and who to turn to in order to clear her conscience.

Malfoy Manor
In total, five Death Eaters had been gathered, including the Lestrange couple, the Malfoy couple, and Severus Snape to the great hall of the mansion. No one knew who had brought them together or why they were all there.

- Has the master called us?

The first to ask was her biggest fan, Bellatrix Lestrange.

- I'm not very sure, who has summoned us is his snake.

- His snake? Now the lord can't meet us?

Rodolphus dropped the question mockingly and it annoyed his wife who hit him from behind.

- You better address your lord and his snake with respect. If he listens to you, we can end up like last time.

- That, Ro. They told me that you ended up biting into dust.

Lucius Malfoy made fun of his sister-in-law's partner, when he wasn't the one being punished he felt too good.
Rodolphus was going to complain but a huge snake appeared through the door and straight up it reached the table where she climbed up on its legs and stared at the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters stared at the serpent, wondering why they had been called there by her and how they were going to communicate if none were Slytherin heirs to know the Parseltongue.

- Hey, I'm late.

Antonin Dolohov walks through the door apologizing to the snake and everyone looks at him impatiently for him to explain.

- Nagini is our master's snake, she communicated with me because she wanted me to be the one to tell you her concern.

- Couldn't you do it yourself? She's a bit scary just looking into my eyes, it seems like she's going to throw herself at me at any moment.

Rodolphus complained without looking away from the snake and grinning. Antonin laughed.

- That's because you're the last one she likes here.

- Stop nonsense and tell us why we are here.

This time Narcissa Malfoy spoke, already angered by the childish attitude of those who are her companions.

- Nagini contacted me to convey her concern for the master. She did not give me details of what is happening to him but she has left us a mission to make him returns, now for real.

Antonin explained the plan the snake had had and each one had a different reaction.

Bellatrix jumped up happily, while her husband got up worried. The Malfoy couple did not show their concern openly and Snape was unmoved by the revelation.

- Does that mean there will be two of him?

Rodolphus was the first to show his concern as his wife jumped happily beside him.

- No. According to Nagini, the new master would only have to absorb the piece of soul that this returned one carries.

- This does not convince me! The lord entrusted the cup to the Lestranges. If it disappears or something happens to it, it will be our fault. Who stops him if he decides to kill us all?

- Nagini has already promised to speak to the new master to get us promoted on his trust list. Sure, if we carry out the mission successfully.

Nagini went around the table looking at all the Death Eaters and then got out of the room. She must return to her current master if she did not want him to discover her.
It hurts to do things behind his back but she had promised to save him from himself. And she didn't have enough power, so she had nothing left to do but bring back her true master.

- God, what a damn thing.

Rodolphus sighed calmly once the snake disappeared. They all relaxed when they saw her actually leave, Nagini had a much higher rank than them and had a very bad temper so they had to go with three eyes if they did not want to be eaten by their master's snake.




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