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"If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead."

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In the headmaster's office Snape was telling him about the dark lord's new attitude. Dumbledore understood what had happened the first instant he heard his infiltrator.

- So Tom is not behaving as before?

- Yes. It is too weird, he does not seem to want to continue with his task.

- It seems that the blood of our dear Harry has affected little Tom. He sure didn't have this in his plans.

- What does it mean?

The director ignored him and smiled widely.

- If you see something unusual about him again, do not hesitate to let me know.

Someone knocks on the door interrupting the conversation. Harry Potter walks through the door and Snape comes out saying goodbye to the headmaster.

- Harry.

Dumbledore greets him happily and invites him to sit in a chair in front of his desk.

- Professor, why did you want to see me?

- Harry. Since Tom's return, do you feel something different in yourself?

- Something different? I don't understand you sir.

In that conversation Dumbledore came out of doubt. It could be that they didn't have to face Voldermort as they knew him before.

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Hermione was in the library doing the work she had recently been given in potions class. This was about a written work of the love potion, better known as amortentia.

- Herms, thank goodness you're here.

- Harry? Where else would I be? To be the first day we have a lot of jobs and we should not trust or forget about them for the return of Voldermort.

- I know, Herms. Thanks for worrying about me.

- Harry. Of course I care about you, you are my best friend.

There were those two words that bothered Harry so much. He couldn't say exactly how long he felt that way about her but that didn't matter, he had to suppress his feelings since his best friend also felt the same. Although he was more stubborn not to admit his feelings.

Harry told her how weird Dumbledore was and the meeting he had had with him.

- Then he told me that if I felt something strange in me,  should let him know. I do not know what he's talking about. I feel like always and this conversation has made me nervous.

- It's okay, Harry. You know how the headmaster is. He probably only cared about you after the tournament.

- Yes, it sure is.

Harry made an annoyed face at the pain in his head. It couldn't be. That pain that he felt for the first time in his first year and that he felt again in the cemetery.

- Harry are you okay?

Hermione stood up and approached him holding his hands worried about his condition.

Malfoy Manor
More and more word spread among the Death Eaters that something strange was happening to their master and lord.

- Seriously? I've never seen him refuse Muggle torture. Although his fun is always against blood traitors.

Antonin and Rodolphus spoke in low voices in fear that their lord or their serpent would hear them.

- I heard that from Bella in a conversation with her sister.

- Maybe he felt bad.

- The dark lord has never felt bad. Unless he's getting weak.

A snake that had heard everything slipped through the buildings, returning to the room where its master rested.

Voldermort was sleeping comfortably in his bed but still dreaming he did not get rid of the girl. In an uncontrolled way he had gotten into the mind of his greatest enemy when he fell asleep and they were in the school library, facing the girl who made him lose his mind.

- Harry are you okay?

He heard her sweet voice and stared at her, felt his hands against hers. He couldn't help but grab her hands back and get up to be at his height.

- Curly haired girl.

Hermione put her hands in her hair and looked at him as if three eyes had popped out.

- What are you talking about? Harry?

The girl watched him closely and looked directly into his eyes. He stared back at her, holding back the urge to throw himself on her and devour her lips. The desire was greater in him and he hugged her tightly, sinking his nose into her neck. She smelled of books and a faint smell of coffee, so he supposed that she had been locked in the library since very early, studying and working. That did nothing more than increase his desire for her.

Hermione hugged him back without understanding what was happening, when she felt a series of kisses rise from her collarbone, down her neck to her cheeks where they brushed against her lips.

At that moment Voldemort lost the strength of his body and everything turned black. When the light returned he found him on the room in the mansion.

- Shit!

He punched the mattress, getting up quickly. He couldn't hold his heartbeat. Hee hadn't felt that way since he split his soul the last time. He felt like it was going to come out of his chest.

- Master, you must listen to me.

He listened to his snake and looked towards the sale window, where did his beloved companion enter.

- What's wrong, Nagini?

- They are your Death Eaters, master. They begin to doubt some of your decisions.

- Who of them?

- Dolohov and the Lestrange couple.

- It's okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll pay the doubtful ones a visit and then we'll move out of here.

- Where are we going now?

- To my house, I have to enjoy my inheritance in some way.

Voldemort came out with a smile on his face trying to appear normal. He had to punish those who talk too much, because if he allowed them to talk they would lose the respect he had earned all that time from his Death Eaters.




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