"Is it a love note?" Ryan asked looking somewhat disturbed.

"No!" Alanna defended sharply.

How could he think that? A love note seriously? From who or to who? That notion was just so childish.

"Then show it to me." Ryan requested with his hand outstretched.

Alanna didn't want to give him the note but she also knew Ryan wouldn't give up until he had it. She had better save them both the time and hand it to him. It was for him after all so he deserved to have it. It was not the way she had intended for him to get it but there was no good way for her to give him a note from her worst enemy.

"Okay fine. Here, it's for you anyway." Alanna said and handed him the note.

Ryan grabbed it excitedly thinking it was something awesome but as soon as he saw what it was, his face fell.

"What is the meaning of this?" Ryan asked getting angry.

Alanna had never seen that look on his face before and it was kind of freaking her out. It's like he had made a hundred and eighty degree turn and was now a totally different person. Ryan was always happy and cheerful so seeing him angry was definitely not a look Alanna wanted to see on him.

"Helen asked me to give it to you." Alanna replied not wanting to beat around the bush.

The conversation was really hard enough without her prolonging it.

"Why would she do that? I thought you guys hated each other." Ryan asked looking at the piece of paper as if it held the death penalty on it.

"I don't know Ryan. Maybe that's how desperate she is to get in touch with you." Alanna replied feeling even more awkward about this whole situation.

"I asked her to leave me alone. I'd never date a girl like her. She's a bully, she's mean and thinks the world revolves around her."Ryan expressed looking very frustrated.

Alanna now wished she had just turned Helen away that day because this was not what she'd signed up for. Alanna watched as Ryan walked towards the gas cooker and lit it, he then set the piece of paper on fire and tossed it in the sink. They both watched it as it burned to ash the number, name and message written on it disappeared turning to black.

"I'm sorry." Alanna apologized.

She didn't even know why she was sorry or what she was sorry for, she just felt the need to say it.

"Don't be. Helen just doesn't know her boundaries." Ryan replied and Alanna nodded.

It was definitely awkward between them right now. Alanna didn't know what to say or do and Ryan himself who always broke the ice between them seemed lost in his own head thinking deeply.

Alanna felt guilty about dampening the mood between them and wished she knew how to fix it. She wanted to know her bring back the joyful teasing Ryan who thought cake mix was tasty even though it had raw eggs in it.

"Why don't you want to give her a chance anyways? I mean besides being the mean person she is she seems to really like you. I think she will be a better person around you." Alanna asked but wished she could swallow back her words from the glare she got from Ryan.

Helen definitely brought out the negative side of him. Ryan had never looked at Alanna with anything but a smile, unless he was asking for food then it was a pleading face but now he was full on glaring at her. She definitely did not want to ruin their friendship over some girl she herself wasn't a fan of.

"I can't believe you just asked me that."Ryan replied.

"Okay I'm sorry. Forget I asked."Alanna apologized.

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