Becoming the multiverse

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Ok...this is a weird experience for me.. i thought since I had no body but I can see every single world here except there's only really one and I looked at it and noticed it was undertale.

I wonder how I got here or where I am exactly. Or who I am now. I thought and looked through certain things before I noticed it, I've become the multiverse itself! Huh how did that happen? I thought curiously and surrounded baby sans. I noticed some worlds or au's were being created at the moment.

I moved to see that it was ink who was making au's. I blinked, I moved around him. I noticed him pausing and looking around with a puzzled look on his face. I moved a bit faster, somewhat excited seeing as he can feel my presence. "Whose there?" Ink said and I felt pleased. Maybe I can tell him to not create to many? I thought. Let me see.."hello young one.." I said and ink blinked. "Uh hello? Where are you? And who are you?" Ink said looking around and his eyes changed shapes. "I'm everywhere and no where at the same time.. I am the multiverse where you all live.." I said and ink blinked, eyes changing yet again.

"Really? So cool! So what can I do for you multiverse?" Ink asked me. " I don't want you to create too many..if you make too many..well I only have so much room..make sure they don't touch or they will destroy themselves...and if it reaches the originals...well everything and everyone will die in here..I can hold quite a lot though...but don't make so many that it will upset the balance..if you of the deities will grab one of your creations, torture them, and make them don't want any of your creations to go through that do you?" I said.

Inks eyes widen at that and he shook his head. He didn't want any of his creation to suffer. He guessed he won't make too many. The multiverse will tell him to stop when he needs to...right?

"Hey Multiverse.. will you tell me when I need to stop creating?" Ink asked. "Sure...can you make them different though? No more of the same au with different things.. like.. only one is the original, which is undertale, you can make another different one. Like underfell, dreamtale, underswap, fellswap, and more. I will allow you to make one copy or au of each new world you make. But no more then one, that will give them another person who can relate to themselves that are themselves but from another au. Do you understand?" I asked and ink nodded at that.

"Ok! I'll create new different worlds that only have one au or copy of themselves! I'll talk to you later. Make sure to tell me when to stop before I cross over the line!" Ink said and went on to create more and newer au's. I smiled, well that solves a problem to one of the balances, I hope error still comes into existence. Did error come from errortale? Or was he a sans or papyrus that fate grabbed from one of the worlds and used him to destroy? I don't know... but I'll find out. I do have access to everything here, which includes the void and anti-void. There is no where I can't go that's within me.

I thought moving back to the original sans. The original sans was making a fuss, I surrounded him again and he calms down. I blinked as gaster sighed with relief.

I surrounded gaster as well, I felt him froze before he looked around. "So you both can feel me...but can you hear me?" I said curious. "Whose there? What do you mean by hear you?" Gaster questioned, still looking around. "It's because I'm the multiverse..I'm still pretty new so I'm not sure if you all can hear me let alone feel me..." I told gaster. " your the multiverse? Why exactly are you here and..why do we feel safe when your here?" Gaster asked causing me to blink. They feel safe when I'm here? I thought curious, "I'm here because your the original. There are many that are being created now but there's only one original out of all the other originals or au's or copies. You probably feel safe because I don't wish any harm on any of you." I told him. Gaster tilted his head at that before nodding.

"So what can I do for you multiverse?" Gaster asked me as he picked up his son.

"I don't need anything, I simply wish to visit you both every now and then if you allow me to." I told him and Gaster blinked.

"If I allow you too? Are you joking? Of course I would allow you to visit! Even if I did, I doubt I could stop the multiverse itself from visiting us. Even so I have so many questions to ask you." Gaster said to me excited.

I smiled at that, "thanks, then I'll make sure to visit ever now and then. Call out to me anytime you need my help and I will come. The same goes for your son and any future kids you may have in the future." I told him and he nodded his head.

Gaster looked grateful at what I said. I smiled, I stared here watching over the two until they both fell asleep.

Then I left them with a 'small' surprise for them to wake up to. I'm sure they will like it, or at least Gaster will and sans will when he's older.

Who knows, maybe it will cause a chain reaction? I thought somewhat curious about that but I went on to checking other aus that ink had made. Looks like he's taking a break..I guess I'll give him a suggestion.. to make error sans..

I thought because error is one of my favorites, forced god or not. So I gave ink some hints here and there for him to make. I also made sure error would have a brother as well as friends. You deserve happiness error. I thought since I had a lot of ideas back before all of this. I had ideas about forced god of destruction and that was before I actually found stories about that on Wattpad and on ao3. Which only made me love that idea even more.

Ops I got side tracked..I thought as I watched ink make an errortale, creating error, his Gaster, and creating them mostly like undertale with exceptions of it being a different error and in this one, every monster and humans were somewhat glitching every now and then. Not bad glitch's though, just normal ones. I smiled, surrounding the Gaster and error of this au. I saw little error smile, Gaster tense up and look around.

"Don't worry little ones I won't hurt you." I told them or just Gaster since error is a babybones right now though his name is sans now instead of error but that's his nickname now.

"Little ones?" Gaster said with a questioning tone. He probably wants to know why I called him a little one. "Yes little ones..all of you are so young..I am the multiverse, in which all of you live within." I told him and Gaster started shooting question after question. I answered the best I could but I told him some things I won't know or I can't tell him because of things. He understood though. I smiled after left them as they both went to it's time for me to get some rest from keeping an eye on them. I thought closing my eyes.

Finally finished! With 1320 words. Yes I know I have too many ideas to not just write about it and publish it when I'm finished! So yeah..hope you comment what you think. Ja ne~!

Becoming the multiverse from undertaleWhere stories live. Discover now