"I am so sorry." I cry out.

"What could you be sorry for?"

"I lost our baby! You probably don't want kids. We never talked about it. You hate me now."

"Woah, I never said I hated you. Princess, children was something I never wanted until you. You don't need to be sorry. It is something beyond our control."

I look up and I see tears falling down his face. And we cry together for a while until I fall asleep. It has been two days and I was finally leaving the hospital. The doctor explains everything that may go on with my body in the next few weeks. He gives me a new prescription for birth control and some pain meds if I need them. The nurse comes in with the wheelchair to take me out. Marc has come to take me back to the manor. He wheels me out to the car and helps me in. We stop for my meds and head to the house. Once we get there he leads me up to our room and helps me into bed. I just curl up and cover my head with the blanket and try to sleep this pain in my heart away. I just don't know what to feel. I feel like I'm slipping into a dark place. I know he worries about me. It's been days and I haven't moved from the bed. He tries to come in and comfort me and I don't move. I feel like I am pushing him away and I can't help it.

Marc's POV

I am sitting in the kitchen with the guys, and Damian asks how Riley is.

"I just don't know what to do. I feel like she is pushing me away. I am scared for her. I am at a loss, and am worried about her."

"I know this is hard. You just have to be there for her and when she is ready for help she will ask. How are you though?"

"It's hit me hard too. I never thought about having kids, but when they told me she miscarried, I lost it. I saw a future with her and kids running around and it was snatched from me. I never dreamed of anything like that until now.

"You love her, don't you."

"I think I do."

Riley's POV

It's been a couple weeks, and I am starting to feel a little better. I have been thinking about Marc and I. He really deserves to have someone who isn't damaged. Someone who can give him a future and I don't think I will be able to. I should let him go so he can move on. He and Damian have gone on business for a few days. I start to pack up my things. I will go back to our old apartment. As I'm packing up, Cas comes into the room.

"Riley, what are you doing?"

"I am going home. He deserves better. I can't give him what he wants. I am damaged goods."

"Girl, what he wants is you. He loves you."

"I just can't do that now."

"If that is what you want."

"It's not what I want, it's what he needs. Please tell him not to come for me and I will always love him. Give him this note for me."

"Okay, if that is what you think is best. I will still see you at work. I will let him know. I still think you are making a big mistake."

I put my things in my car and drove back home. I bring my things in and crawl into my old bed and cry myself to sleep.

Marc's POV

It had been a long couple of days and I was glad to get back to my princess. I walk into the house and look for her. She is nowhere to be found. I go into our room and all her stuff is gone. I go to find Cas.

"Cas, where is Riley?"

"She is gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

"She packed her things and left. She said you deserved better and not to find her. She left you this letter."

I take the letter with shaky hands.


I am so sorry that I lost our baby. I have left because you deserve so much more than I may be able to give you . It hurts so bad to leave you, but I know you can find joy somewhere else and I want you to be happy and maybe it's not with me. Please don't come for me, it will only be harder for the both of us. Always remember that I love you and want the best for you.

Love your princess,


"What the hell! I never blamed her for what happened. How could she leave. I love her so much. How am I supposed to go on without her?"

"She is in a dark place right now. She blames herself. I will keep an eye on her and try to talk some sense into her. I will see her everyday. She still hasn't pushed me away."

"Will you keep me informed. Maybe someday she will come back to me. I will give her the space she needs."

I walk into the bar area and pour me a glass of whiskey and drink it all down. I throw the glass and it shatters against the wall. Damian walks in and sits down next to me.

"Talk to me, man."

"I loved her. I can't live without her."

I know you do. She's lost and doesn't know what to do. I think she may have gone down the wrong road. I will have Alex still watch her. She may still be in danger."

"Thanks man." I drink until there's nothing left in the bottle and then drag my drunk self to bed and pass out.

Riley's POV

It's been a couple months and I seem to see light where the darkness has surrounded me. My baker is doing great and so is the gelato side. Cas has been really understanding and doesn't push me anymore about Marc. She and Damian are doing very well and I am glad for her. She told me that Marc has picked up fighting again and is doing well. I am glad for him. I still worry about him fighting. Cas always tells me about his fights. He has done well for himself. It's Saturday night and I have been watching a movie. I hear a knock at the door and it's Alex.

"Riley, you have to come with me. Damian just called me. Marc is in the ring fighting and it seems he has just given up. The guy is beating the hell out of him. It looks like he is trying to kill him and he doesn't care. Come on, I think you can save him. He needs you."

"Oh my god. Let me get my shoes."

I grab my bag and run out of my door and jump in the car. We head to the club where the fights are and I run down to the ring. He is down on the mat and the guy is kneeling over him and just pummeling his face and ribs.

"Marc! Get up! You can do this! You are stronger than him! Please baby get up! You got this!"

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