Colourless Soul'

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(This one had a lot of meaning to it. 🙏🏼 Elena was a chosen name meaning the bright one.)

Abbacchio took off his hat in disbelief, as he attempted to follow them into the room. Viktor stopped in front of the door, his eyes were shadowed, for once more he will fall into the darkness of his monstrous rage. "Stay out of this little man, I know you, I recommend you leave and never return." 

The door closed before Abbacchio just as he attempted to stop it with Moody Blues, something happened. A soldier almost like your stand stood before the door with a combat knife. This stand wore a gas mask just like yours. But this brought a tremendous amount of fear, an overwhelming feeling of weakness swept Abbacchio. It held nothing more than darkness around it, a sickening feeling of paranoia filled the air. It dragged Abbacchio into a world of sorrow and hate. 

It reflected upon Abbacchio' past of never forgetting the night he had lost his partner. The heavy burden that rested upon his shoulders, from the time he graduated High School to become an officer to his time of taking the bribe of a thief. Leading to chains of his failing oath and loss of his partner. It was the gaze of his partner that stared back at him in the flesh. "I-" what can he say to his partner? What can he even imagine that would fix this. 

Abbacchio looked down at his hands that were cold in blood. The trembling nerves shivered him to the bones of wanting to hold control over his emotions. But this was so too real! Looking back up there stood his fallen partner, a cold look of death with blood covering his uniform. 

"Moody Blues!" Abbacchio shouted knowing this was an illusion. But there was no Moody Blues, there  was no halo of his stand. "No! This isn't real! Moody Blues! Moody Blues!" He shouted continuously as he looked around in the darkness, but there was nothing but himself and his dead partner. There were no words shared. 

Just the loop of guilt..

Viktor, watched them lay you down on the surgical table. You've grown since you have left, so much so that there was something off about you. Well not off, but you were different. You had more flesh than bone, you held color in your cheeks, your hair was spread out wet against the table, fully grown to your elbows. But he could not look away from your face. Rage boiled his blood. 

It was clear that day, the snow was the blanket that camouflaged his men during Spetsnaz. He was called out from the snow by a thin man wearing a brown cap. He kept a leather bag across his shoulder that held images of the radiation damage.

"Your wife, she, she was caught in the radiation." 

Viktor fell back onto the snow as he went through the photos of the explosion and the pictures of his wife. 

The messenger realised something, that Viktor didn't know his wife was pregnant.

Viktor crumbled the pictures' not able to bear the view of his long gone childhood friend, his lover, his wife. "She never.." Viktor locked his hands behind his head staring down at the snow. White, cold, blank, just as he is. He couldn't break down not right now. He couldn't imagine this, not this. She never mentioned that she worked at the Radioactive Plant. 

 Viktor stood up with his hands into fists wanting to strangle something! Anything! Someone needed to pay for this! "How did this happen!?" Viktor shouted. The messenger held no emotional support, just a machine, his empty shell made Viktor grab hold of the man's collar slapping him across the face. "You fucking insect how did this happen!?" 

The soldiers that were in training arose from the snow with their snipers to watch this. They were ready to step in if needed. "Tell me!?" The messenger rose his hands, keeping his cool as he glared back into the eyes of Viktor. "Tell me!?" Viktor punched the messenger across the jaw as he collapsed to the snow. The soldiers rushed in holding him back. "Tell me!! Tell me what happened!?" He demanded to the point the men stared back to the messenger. They were now interested and gave the eyes of 'you better tell him'. 

"An experimental child caused it." The messenger stood up furious as he spat out the bloody cap from his molar to the snow. "They wish to recruit your team, seeing that this is personal." Viktor shrugged his soldiers off him. "Where do I go?" Viktor said with such poison. The messenger reached into his coat taking out the contract. "When you finish your training." Viktor walked up to the man snatching the paper and gripping tightly into his fist as he picked up his rifle and left. His men stayed behind in silence as they unravelled the photos that were left in the snow. "Victors' wife." 

The messenger left without a word as the soldiers looked back at each other sharing the catastrophic images. "This is like acid on skin." They said covering their mouths. 


It was only after he finished his training that he would visit his wife's brother, the man who held you. He knew very well that Viktor was unaware that you were his daughter. And Elena's brother didn't want Viktor to know, if he found out then the child would be taken. Besides, 

Viktors' and Elena's marriage was secret, there was no government interference. They were secret lovers and then they married in secret. Elena was part African and German, she was mostly looked down but Viktor always stood up for her. So much so that she was encouraged to be strong just as him. And so throughout her life she set out to prove herself to be seen as a human, to be seen as an equal. 

Viktor never stepped into her battles. Whatever she causes she would go forward into ending it. He admired her greatly for her headstrong attitude. He never saw a problem with her skin color or background. She was a bastard child of a wealthy German, but never saw Elena's mother to withhold as the position as a wife due to his family chain of wealth. 

And so Elena's mother was alone in a poverty shelter in Russia where she gave birth on a freezing December of 1959 to your mother. 

It was during 1969 during Russia's border conflict with China that brought some unsettling citizens to fear for another war. During that time there were places where the poor like Elena and her mother to line up and receive a bowl of portage of potatoes and a part of bread. Viktor 14 years at the time waited in line as well. Just like strangers with no interest toward each other. During this time there was still an unsettling want for some Germans. But Elena didn't fear anyone, she withheld her pride and skin.  

Though the boys would pick on her and pull her hair she too would throw her own fight. At times outsmarting them. Viktor was one of those boys who didn't know better. It was Elena's cleverness that dragged him into wanting to be better and put her in her place. In his own weird way he followed her around saying not a single word. She would heal her own wounds, and know just how to lose him. But one day he managed to keep track of her, he followed her till she crawled into an abandoned wooden shack. 

There he watched by the window as Elena set down her bowl on the nightstand by a woman that laid in bed. Elena reached over shrugging her mother but there was no response. Elena bit her bottom lip realising her mother gave out from leukemia. She sat by the bedside holding her mother as she wept feeling alone and hated by all. An unfair world she was left in. 

Viktor walked into the shack but the moment he was there, he felt like a statue. He loved his mother more than anything, so he understood the pains he felt. He wouldn't know what to do if he had lost his mother. 


Viktor stood beside you looking down at your face. His hand reached out your face, your face... 


In 1973 Viktor made a promise to forever be with Elena through the harshness of the winters to the wars of the nation's poverty. And a promise a man does not break.  She was brilliant, enlightened and headstrong. But she brought him happiness, she fulfilled him like no other. He never wanted to harm her or make her feel less, so his promise was to be hers and she to be his. 

Her skin was just as beautiful as her soul. Her eyes were vibrant with life. 


"Viktor?" The surgeons asked snapping him out of his own mind. He only realised it then and now, you looked a lot like the woman he lost. The woman that left him with a bitter taste in life. Elena's smile appeared on your face, her sleeping face that reflected just like yours. 

Viktors breathing arose as his shoulders arose. 'how dare you' look like her. Like his Elena. "Viktor!" The surgeon demanded his attention and explanation. Viktor called back his stand and used it to reflect your past. 

Beneath The Sun (Risotto x reader x Abbacchio) CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora