Unity of One

603 37 19

"LIVE: A radiation leak has left hundreds sick after a midnight concert turned, into a horror show."

The news played videos of the people laying on the ground their skin was not tight it was losing on their face like melted cheese. The grass around them is dead.

"Hospitals are warning patients who have been exposed to the radiation to stay indoors to prevent the spread. Medical treatment will be available for the next 48 hours. Anyone showing symptoms-"

The channel flicked to the other news station.

"Authorities warn civilians to stay away from the park until further notice."

The channel flicked once more to what you would call an Ellen show.

"If you see this girl call local authorities. Do not take the chance she is patient zero for all we know." The woman with blond hair said smiling at the audience,

"Looks like I'm going to have to cancel my 5 pm picnic."

The big screen behind her played videos of soldiers walking around guarding the park while she lifted a big cup sipping it.

"See that's what I mean! Why the use of a huge mug!" Ghiaccio exclaimed while aiming the controller at the tv.

"They just flex, showing us how big their ego is. Once they have the tv and enough worshippers they think themselves to be leaders." Formaggio laid back on the recliner.

Risotto sat in a wooden chair resting his elbows on his knees while his hands formed a triangle posture for this concerning thoughts.

Prosciutto (Prosci) entered the room with beats, asparagus, steak, potatoes, and a small bowl of egg salad with toast.

"Risotto, it's been an hour."

Risotto ignored his partner's concern over him transferring blood to you. "Risotto?" Prosci walked over touching Risottos' shoulder.

Risotto looked up to the bag seeing it half full. "One more hour."

Prosci shook his head. "You've transferred her already two bags of blood."

Risotto smacked Prosci's hand away from his shoulder, "Don't question me."

Prosci smacked Risotto in the back of the head. "You are no good defending her with the shit state you are in." Risotto kept his head low until Prosci let out a sharp breath as he left the room shutting the door.

The loud bang caught your ears as your mind started up once more like a computer. Chery was attempting to manifest herself beside your bed, Risotto looked up seeing Chery fading in and out. She walked around the room toward an outlet. She stared at it as if pondering if what she's about to do will do more damage than good. Kneeling she rested her arms on her thighs staring at the outlet before reaching out to it with the tips of her fingers.

"Wait!" Risotto said as he got up but hissed, feeling the needle move. The machine they have helps transfer blood but the negative outcome is that it takes an hour and a half until he can be unplugged. Risotto was still as he fixed the position of the needle before sticking it back in. Chery tilted her head as static reached out to the tip of her fingers, opening her hand wide she rested her palm on the outlet. The walls, outside polls, phones, tv, anything that was connected to an outlet or wiring was buzzing loudly.

People in the streets looked around hearing the buzz but not able to identify where it was coming from. "The hell is wrong with this thing!" Ghiaccio shook the flat screen tv. "WORK!!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Prosci commented knowing it's you, sadly his warning was ignored.

Ghiaccio's eyes rolled back feeling his nerves being pinched by electricity.

Beneath The Sun (Risotto x reader x Abbacchio) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now