
During dinner break, Pete was happily eating with everyone while checking his phone for any messages from his P'Ae. He was startled when Noh's phone rang and looked at Noh. Noh smiled at his expression and answered the call.

"Benjamin, do you need something?"

"I actually need you here Noh. Could you drive over?"

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"It's something very urgent. One of the sponsors sent the contract for Pete and they needed the response right away. Sorry to impose."

"Okay I will be there."

Noh looked at Pete who has questioning look at his face.

"I need to drive to Benjamin's office. Will you be okay alone?"

"Of course, Noh. I will be fine. I will wait for you here."

Noh nodded and walked over to Jade to inform her of the urgent meeting. Jade bade goodbye and smiled assuringly, saying Pete was in good hands. Noh was reluctant but he has to go if he wanted to be back as soon as possible.

On the other hand, a staff called Pete to check the wardrobe for the scene to be shot that evening. Pete left immediately, leaving his phone on the table. Mint who has been observing the movements of Pete saw the chance she has been waiting for. She quickly went over and took Pete's phone quietly and run towards Jade who was seated with Yuta.

"Here it is, P'Jade."

"Very good. Just sit there for a while and you will need to bring this back to Pete."

Mint nodded nervously and waited. After a few minutes, Jade gave the phone back. Mint ran back to where Pete was seated and left the phone. Quietly went back to her own table.

Jade called a meeting after dinner to announce something. Everyone was all ears while the writers passed  papers to everyone.

"We will be adding a scene today. I have discussed this with the scriptwriters and they agreed to it. And I tried to contact someone to act on it but they are not available so my friend here will do it. No one needs to worry as he has experience in acting so it will be okay. I'm giving everyone an hour to review and get ready for it."

Pete started to read the additional script and was worried about it, he immediately approached Jade.

"P'Jade, do we need to add this scene?"

"Yes, Pete. We need this scene as it will be vital to the story. Are you not comfortable? But I know you are a professional and you can do this."

Jade left Pete to give instructions to the others. Pete went back to his seat and continued to read the scripts, his hand were shaking and fear can be seen in his eyes. Yuta approached him. Pete immediately hid his hands.

"Pete, are you okay? You look pale."

"I'm fine,Yuta. Thanks."

"Are you sure?"

"It's just a short scene. I can do this. Let's work at it well so we won't need many takes."

Pete tried his best to smile and went back on reading. He was trying his best to hide what he was feeling.

"It is just an act. This will be over soon. I can do this."


"Hey, Ae. I thought we will have dinner and drink out tonight? Where are you going?"

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