😼 " Insecurities " 😼

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Scene : Gododia mention

Seeing Ragini 's face , it's easy to predict her jealousy and anger towards her elder sis , but a ray of hope is still inside her as may be she just a normal visitor or a charity case , may be dadi feels pity for her as Ragini had a argument with swara in morning and may be she is pampering her out of guilt , thinking that she gathered herself and moves towards them to conform her doubt.

Seeing Ragini moving towards Swara Sanakar intentionally place his leg in between her way and make her fall on Swara...And due to sudden jerk the juice glass in Swara's hand falls on Ragini 's dress...

Ragini shouts : what the hell.......

Sanskar (in mind with his evil smirk) : finally drama begins ......😈.

Ragini : u middle class bimbo just because my dadi take u here to cover up morning mess , it doesn't mean u starts flying high....how dare u to spoil my dress...u blo......

Parvati slaps Ragini before she completes her words....and angrily yelled her : don't u have manners that is how u behave with ur elder sis...

Hearing " elder sis " Ragini lost her words seems like everything is  finished as her only hope destroyed now , she felt like world's most unlucky girl in this word. She glares Swara with her red shot eyes filled with immersed hatred for her but Sanakar immediately stands in front of swara to protect her from Ragini's glare.

Seeing sanskar's protectiveness for Swara which she always wished for herself adds like fuel to her fury. Not able to bear much she rushed to her room ignoring dadi ' yelling .

Shomi noticed swara's shocked face and to make her relax she cover up for Ragini and explains Swara, that Ragini is in  shock that her sis is back , she needs time .

Parvati immediately calms her anger realising  that this will make her Shona uncomfortable and ask sanskar to show her room as according to Parvati both r of same age and shona will easily jell up with sanskara and it will help them in future.

Also Parvati has full confidence on Sanskar  as being a gentleman he will make her feel comfortable here.

And asked Shomi to talk to Ragini and make understand to behave properly with swara.

Swara 's pov

In some hours my whole life takes a 360 degree turn ...from a cruel father to loving dadi and mother. It's seems like my wishes comes true. I wonder if baba didn't kidnapped me then how much blissful my childhood would be....as in some hours their pampering and love filled my eyes with tears and healed my wounds to certain limits and every good comes with bad thing that is that shamless casonova Sanskar Maheshwari as he is with me iny journey to my biggest truth .
Somewhere inside my heart I want to thank him as dadi told me how much he help my family to find me but immediately my mind warned me as there will be defined his own self fish motive behind it.

I was ignoring him while talking to Maa then suddenly someone fall on me and due to sudden jerk the juice in my hands fall on her ....seeing Ragini I   was shocked as this spoilt brat is my lil sis as Ma told me about her being immature but remembering morning's incident, I will not be easy for me to live with her under same roof,, although mistake was her but to maintain peace I am going to apologise her but before that she starts shouting one resulting her to receive her first slap from dadi....yes seeing her tearful eyes and hurt expressions I am sure that it's her first slap but the worse thing is that ..I am the reason behind it...then she glare at me with some unspoken accusations..
When Ragini left to her room , Maa to make me feel comfortable lied to me that Ragini is shocked but I very well knew that she is unhappy with my come back..

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