Chapter Eleven

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*Mirae POV* 

I wanted to believe it wasn’t what it sounded like. I wanted to think Jungkook was just watching porn and touching himself. But her twisted screams of pleasure were too real, too loud. 

I slowly stepped forward, making my way to the bedroom. Go back, there’s nothing good for you there. But I didn’t listen to myself. I rounded the corner to the bedroom and peered in. 

The scene in front of me was so obscene I felt angry and boiling hot at the same time. They were both naked, her back sinking into the mattress as he held her legs open and drove himself inside her. 

Why...why would he do this here? And right before our wedding?

I wanted to leave, I wanted to look away but part of the whole dirty, sweaty display had me hooked and I couldn't figure out why. Jungkook was kneeling on the bed, his head thrown back, all his muscles standing out and sweat running down his forehead as he held onto her thighs and drove himself deeper into her. 

Then something caught my eye.......scars. All along his back. Deep, horrid scars that must’ve been so painful when inflicted. I wanted to know what happened to put them on his beautiful body, why amidst his toned muscles and slim torso were such grave markings. 

I looked up to his face and my breath caught in my throat when I realized he was looking directly into my eyes. He didn’t stop or tell me to leave, instead he leaned forward over the girl that was panting and touching herself. 

And he started fucking her harder. His face contorting in a devilish smirk as he made her scream and moan from his roughness. She brought her hands up and grabbed his body and in the midst of everything I felt…anger, hurt, betrayal...I felt jealous. Jealous that she was touching him and I didn’t know why. 

I turned around and ran out the room, my head was spinning with confusing emotions. It shouldn’t hurt. It shouldn’t feel like betrayal. I kissed Yoongi twice when I knew I was marrying Jungkook, this is just karma.

I walked along the silent hallways, keeping my eyes to the ground. I didn’t know what to do with myself after witnessing that. I couldn’t get the image of Jungkook’s naked body out of my mind. His chiseled arms, his dense thighs, his well-worked glutes. What a god-given body. 

I heard a noise and looked up, Taehyung walked into the hallway in front of me, carrying what looked like medical supplies in his hand. 

“Taehyung…” I called out softly, not wanting to startle him. 

“Mhm.” He answered back to me as if he knew I was there the whole time. He made no effort to look back or slow down so I continued walking behind him.

“I need to know something about Jungkook.” I quickened my pace so that I was walking beside him. He still didn’t look at me or respond so I just continued. 

“Why does he have so many scars on his back?” As soon as I asked the question Taehyung stopped, looking in front of him as his eyes flickered with memories. 

“The late Mrs. Jeon.” Was all he said and he continued walking. I again hurried to keep up with him, getting a deep sense of grief by thinking of a mother doing that to her child. 

“Why?” I grabbed his sleeve softly and he slowed down and put the box on the ground. He stood there for a few seconds, staring at the floor in silence, before he began to speak.

“She was a control freak. She wanted to raise Jungkook to be the perfect leader. She had him trained for hours every single day from when he was just 6 years old. Shooting, hand-to-hand combat, strategy, even weight bearing.” Taehyung’s face lowered even more, his long hair covered his eyes so I couldn’t see what he was feeling at the moment.

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