Chapter 16: A-Astrid...???

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In Berk...

H: A-A-Astrid.......... She-She.............. How could this happen? No. I can't......... *cries*
J: I'm..... so so sorry Hiccup
H: *hugs Jack and cries on his shoulder*
J: There, There. I'm really sorry for your loss Hic. 
H: How could this happen? I lost the only girl I loved. Now, she... she's........  Dead *cries*
J: I know Hic. I'm not happy she's gone. If there was only a way to bring her back to life but a Guardian can't do that easily.
H: *cries* Jack...
J: What?
H: I told her about you and me. She said "You don't have to be ashamed. I understand....."
J: You told her?
H: Yeah but I know she understands. If you love someone, you have to understand him/her. Astrid did. I can't believe that... *cries*
J: I know Okay. I know how you feel cause, You lost someone you loved and that hurts.
H: Okay but just so you know I didn't love her cause she was pretty, beautiful and all that stuff. I loved her cause she cared and forgives. Like what happened to us.
J: *wipes Hic's tears away*

Hiccup's friends then came

SL: Hiccup, you okay?
H: Y-yeah I'm ......... fine..... 
FL: You look so sad. Why are you sad Hiccup?
H: I.....I...... *sobs*
SL: Hey where is Astrid?
H: .....................*runs away crying*
J: (Hiccup No! *follows Hic*)
RN: Oh No!
TN: Why?
RN: Astrid...

They all looked at Astrid lying on the ground and Hiccup held her hand.

H: Don't do this to me Astrid. Please!!!

But there was No response.

H: *cries* I Love You... *kisses Astrid's forehead* I'm so sorry...
SL: I'm so sorry Hiccup *pats Hiccup's back and sobs*
H: *cries*
FL: Don't cry Hic. *sobs*
H: *continues crying*
RN/TN: *sobs* Hic, don't be sad.
H: How can I not be sad... Astrid is... gone.
H: Dad.
S: What happened here- Oh...
H: It's nothing really dad.
S: I'm so sorry son.
H: *sigh and sobs AGAIN*

Jack's POV

A lot of people were sorry for Hiccup. Including me. Everyone of his friends hugged him and tried to cheer him up but he still kept crying. A few days past and it was the burial of Astrid. They put the dead bodies of the vikings into a boat and sailed it and shoot bows with fire. They all left and Hiccup stayed.

Hiccup's POV

I lost Astrid. She is dead now. Everyone tried to cheer me up but... I still can't stop thinking about her. Until Jack came...

J: Sometimes, you just got to let go of people you love.
H: How... It's really hard loosing something you love so bad
J: I don't really know but I do know something
H: What? That I'd just live my life and be happy and... *sigh*
J: It's not that.
H: How do you know?
J: Cause I know that she will be alright. I know so Hic. She will remember you and you will also. She is not really gone. She is here.
H: Where?
J: Somewhere. 
H: R-really?
J: Yeah. Believe me. 
A: (*smiles*)
J: (*nods*)
A: (*disappears*)
H: She's here?
J: Yeah. I just saw her.
H: How did you-?
J: I'm a Guardian remember. I can see spirits too cause I'm a spirit.
H: Oh, yeah I forgot.
J: I know that she will always love you. Even though you are gay.
H: *chuckles* I guess you just cheered me up.
J: I am also the Guardian of fun so... how about we hang out one day. I'm busy later AGAIN -_-
H: Yeah.
J: Oh and uhm, Remember. Tooth also holds your memories. 
H: Oh yeah. I remember. You told

Jack cheered me up and I was a bit happy again. I knew that Astrid was still here. Somewhere. Few days past and Me and Toothless went on a ride and we stopped by a lake. Soon I heard someone talking in a familiar accent and was saying "Angus, I don't want to be in love Ok but I just admire him" and when I went near, I saw the girl with red hair again.

H: Merida? What are you doing here?

FML! (Fuck My Life) I HATE SCHOOL, I HATE MAH EXAMS AND GRAAA!!!!! Anyways. I love Big Hero 6 and every time I go to sleep after watching that movie I go like "Tadashi is not dead, Tadashi is not dead, TADASHI IS NOT DEAD!!!" Well Thanks to the A-J group I love BH6. Nothing much to say. Sorry for long update. FUCK EXAMS! Peace Out Bro's


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