Chapter 10: Skating, Snow and Believing

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2 weeks passed and Hiccup and Jack haven't seen each other for a couple of days and Jack went back to Berk to ask Hiccup out on a date.

Jack's POV
Ok. I'm gonna ask him out. Since he is my new... well first boyfriend, I should ask him out. I went to Berk and straight found Hiccup riding on Toothless with his friends. I followed him and once their training was done, Hiccup stayed to watch the sunset. Astrid also left and hugged Hiccup AGAIN and once it was just Hiccup and Toothless, I pulled Hiccup's arm and kissed him. Toothless was watching but he was smiling. I thought Toothless would get mad but it appeared somehow he was fine with it. I knew Hiccup couldn't tell anyone about this secret except to someone he trust. His own buddy Toothless. Toothless sorta likes my snow powers and goes crazy in the snow. He seems funny.

H: You scared me.
J: Hehehe. I want to ask you out on a date
H: Really?! Yeah of course, <3
J: Thanks babe. *wraps arms in Hiccup's waist)
H: *blushes* ...........Uh *hearts starts beating really fast* <3 <3 <3
J: Uhm..... did I just.....
H: Y-y-yeah. You did uhm............. *blushes like a tomato*

Did I just call Hiccup "Babe" like as my official boyfriend?

Hiccup's POV
OH MY GOSH!!! HE CALLED ME "Babe"!!!!! My heart can't stop beating really fast and I can't stop smiling!!! I love Jack so much! I love my boyfriend!!! I can't believe he called me that. I want to jump and scream and.......... Damn!

H: S-so how bout that date?
J: ............ Yeah come on. *holds Hiccup's hand*
H: Jack, I wan't to show you something
J: What?
H: *pulls Jack's collar and starts kissing Jack*
J: *smiles* You're lips are soft. *kisses Hiccup again* <3
H: Thanks Jackie <3
J: ....................... <3 <3 <3 *blushes*
H: How are you so tall yet so handsome?
J: I don't know but how are you so sweet and so cute
H: *chuckles*

I can't stop it!!! He is too handsome!!! 

After that they wen't to Jack's world again and Hiccup brought Toothless with him and they went to an ice pond.

J: Want to learn how to skate
H: Well I'm not good at it but Ok then.
J: Here just hold my hand
H: Don't I need skates for this?
J: Not if I'm gonna use my snow powers
H: Ok.

They skated and Jack blew on the ice pond and Hiccup started skating by himself but Jack guiding him.

H: Wowowow!
J: Your gonna be alright *flashback* 

Jack remembered when he died saving his sister

J: Where gonna have a little bit fun instead.
H: I'm a bit scared. Just don't let me go till I can do it
J: Ok. 

Jack guides Hiccup and then Hiccup was getting used to it but then suddenly, the ice started cracking where Hiccup was.

H: Jack? *ice starts cracking* JACK!
J: *gasp*

Hiccup nearly fell but Jack was fast enough to catch him and now Jack carried Hiccup bridal style and it was really weird

H: Uh... hehehe... This is awkward
J: Yeah it is...?

They stared awkwardly and the tip of Jack's nose touched Hiccup's tip of the nose. Hiccup blushed darkly and so did Jack. Hiccup wrapped his arms around Jack's neck not wanting to fall while Jack is flying and they were about to kiss slowly but cause of slowness, Toothless tongue started to stick to the ice pond and Toothless needed help.

J: *nearly kisses Hiccup*
T: *whimpers*
H: Toothless? You're not suppose to be licking the pond *chuckles*
J: Hahaha. *puts Hiccup down*
H: Here you go bud *helps Toothless get his tongue out of the ice*
T: *licks Hiccup*
H: Argh!!! *wipes of Toothless saliva* You know that doesn't wash out. 
J: *chuckles*
H: Sorry. Guess like Toothless is starving. Right bud.
T: *snuggles Hiccup meaning yes*
J: Hehehe. That was fun. Maybe next time.
H: Ok. Come on.

Jack brought Hiccup home and Hiccup and before Jack left...

J: Hey Hic, Christmas is coming and I wanted to give you a present.
H: What is it?
J: Here. It is a snowflake. It never melts even if it is in the sun or in fire. It is powerful but it won't last that long. When you stop believing, it will melt but if you never stop, It grows more powerful than ever and you can use it when your in danger, need of help or if your in the dark. It may not call me or bring back lives but it is very useful. I know it's an early Christmas present but I-
H: Jack, it's beautiful *hugs Jack but Jack backed away*
J: Wowowow, didn't Toothless lick you?
H: Oh yeah, I forgot.
J: *gives a handkerchief*
H: Thanks. *wipes Toothless left out saliva* All clean
J: Come here you. *hugs Hiccup*
H: I'll have to plan my Christmas gift to you. I hope you would like it once it's ready.
J: I'm okay if you don't buy me a present. Just keep believing. That's your gift to me.
H: Really, I was hoping to give you something special.
J: You are that something special.
H: .......*blushes*
J: See you next week.
H: See you too, Babe.
J: *blushes darkly and smiles*

Jack left and before he left, he blew his palm and there was snow all over Berk. Everyone woke up and Astrid waked Hiccup excitedly.

A: Hiccup! Hiccup! Wake up! Come on.
H: What is it Astrid?
A: Come on. You're gonna love it.

Hiccup woke up and he found a frost/snow appear in his window again saying "Merry Christmas Hiccup. Love You" and he went outside and saw snow. He knew Jack made it snow and he smiled.

H: I love you too Jack.

Tada! Chapter 10 is finally here! About last time I mentioned my computer was glitching and I had to fix the shit out of my PC. Damn. I downloaded a video editor and a virus had occur but I was able to fix it and delete that video editor. That glitchy stuff is still occurring to my PC and it happens when I use the computer too long. Well, lesson learned. It's still a bit glitchy but I will try to get it fixed. I'm fangurling on the part where Jack accidentally called Hiccup "Babe" and when Hiccup also called Jack that but on purpose. I love the song "Far Away by Nickelback" cause it reminds me of my crush. The song would be related to a chapter next time in the future about Hiccup's dream coming true. Peace Out Bro's 


Hijack- Jack x Hiccup (Warning Yaoi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat