Chapter 2: I Don't Want to Loose Both of You

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Months passed and Something went wrong in Berk

A: Hiccup, Wake up!
H: What is it? *yawn*
A: The Dragons! They are being taken away!!!
H: What?!
A: And your dad has been shot. A man with a black suit is controlling the Dragons.
H: *gets up*

Hiccup went out of his house and everything went dark.

H: Astrid!
A: Hiccup! I can't see you.
H: I'll find a way.

Hiccup got shot with dark sand and he got dizzy and Astrid tried waking him up but he was to unconscious.
Astrid pulled Hiccup to a safe place but it was too dark too see and a dragons wing hit her. Most of the Vikings got hit. Astrid fell asleep and all the Vikings tried to reach the other Dragons who were not caught yet and flew away from Berk until the dark smoke was gone.

Back to Jack...

J: What happened here? (sees Hiccup)
J: *gasp* No! (flies to Hiccup)
J: Hic! Wake Up.
H: Urgh...... What happened.
J: I thought you were dead.
H: Toothless? Jack something strange happened and where are the other Vikings and- (sees Astrid)
H: Astrid! No! Please Astrid wake up.
J: Look out!

Pitch sees the two and Jack can't believe what he saw.

J: Pitch? This can't be real.
P: Hahahaha. I knew that you'd be here. Now it's time to kill you and the other Guardians.
H: Jack, who is that?
J: Long story.

Pitch fires a dark horse and Hiccup gets hit again. Pitch thought he caught Jack but when he got back under his bed...

J: No!
H: Jack! *disappears*
J: Hiccup! What do I do?

Under Pitch's bed...

P: Well Jack, there is nothing you can do to stop me from defeating you and the guardians. Face my power.
H: What do you want from Jack?
P: What, Why is there a viking here?
H: It doesn't matter! What do you want from Jack!
P: You know nothing about me and- Oh, I see you are a friend of Jack. Maybe I can use you.
H: Wait, what?
P: Hahaha you silly Dragon Boy.
H: What are you talking about?
P: I am just Jack's old friend. I am inviting him and the guardians for a reunion. Can you please call him for me.
H: N-No! You are lying. You are that Boogeyman Jack had been talking about.
P: It's easy. I'll let you go and you bring me Jack but you can't escape. I'll be watching you and if you ever escape, you know what I'll do to your sweet precious dragon. Bring me Jack and I'll let you and your dragon go and replace everything.You get your freedom and happiness. It's just that, you will loose a friend but you still have many people too meet.
H: But he-
P: Do it. Time is gold.
H: B-but.....
P: Be back after 3 days. I will be watching over you tonight *Laughs Evil" Now here is your Dragon and this is a dagger and if I stab this into this black sand modelled dragon, your dragon will DIE! Good Luck (Pushes Hiccup into a portal)

Hiccup goes back to Berk.

J: Hiccup!
H: J-Jack?
J: What's wrong Hic?
H: Jack your safe. (gets hugged by Jack)
J: *sigh* Maybe we should find the other Vikings.
H: Yeah but-
A: Ugh. *Wakes Up*
H: Astrid.
A: Hic-
H: Astrid are you OK?
A: I'm fine Hiccup. I just got hit by a dragons wing.
H: You gotta get some rest
A: No Hiccup, I'm just fine. What happened?
H: I don't even know. Look I may know how to stop this.
A: How?
H: Leave that to me.
A: I'm coming.
H: No Astrid. It may be too dangerous. Maybe just stay here and try to find the other Vikings.
A: Ok. Hiccup.
H: What is it
A: *kisses Hiccup* Be careful out there
H: I will and I'm not alone. I've got someone with me
A: Ok.

Hiccup then get's Toothless buy got distracted by Jack

J: Hiccup what's your plan? I mean what happened under Pitches bed?
H: *remembers what Pitch said* Uhm... Maybe later. We better get going or Berk could be destroyed.
J: Yeah. Your right
H: *hugs Jack*
J: Uh... Hiccup?
H: Oh-Uhm... Sorry, let's go.
J: So where do we start?
H: Can we get to your world?
J: Yeah. *brings out a snow globe* North Pole

The portal opens to the North Pole and Hiccup feels worried about both Jack and Toothless. He never want's to loose his pet but neither his best friend. He sighs and continues his journey.

Ok Guys. Just played FN@F2 in mah bro's tab. Hoping I get like a few or more views for this story. Love Yaoi ..... OK also Yuri. This story Isn't really Age rated. Just making sure hehe ^-^
Peace out Bro's


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