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Why me?




It was a normal day in school, as far as !@)#; could remember. Just a normal day of getting beat down and pushed against a locker. She was used to it, sure, but it always sent tears rushing to her eyes.

"Why dont you just go and snog that girl over there? Huh !@)#;!?"

"Because.. I'm not a dyke. I just,, I just like being around girls more than guys, thats all."

The guy whose name she could never remember grabbed her collar and pushed her against the locker harder, he was choking her but she couldn't care less. She knew it would be the way she died, being choked to death infront of her bullies. The end of !&:#; *)@;@+)£-@, the resident 'lesbian'.

"Not gonna resist or get your little girlfriend into this like she usually does? She's much stronger than you are !&:#;. Fuckin' hell."

He let go of her collar and she slumped down to the floor.

"This ain't fuckin over !&:#;. Trust me on that one."

She's done for now. He trusts something and then the person never comes back.

'I should probably get going..'

!&:#; picked up her bag and trudged away from the school. She would sign the paper tonight and send it tomorrow, at least they don't have school tomorrow.

yall i put hcoked- bye now!

Really Ouma? ⌨︎A V3 Chatfic⌨︎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora