dumb confession shit

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( Normal Chat Nicknames )
Kokichi Ouma - BestSupremeLeader
Shuichi Saihara - EmoBoyShumai
Tenko Chabashira - Lesbian
Himiko Yumeno - ItsRealMagic
Angie Yonaga - FuckedACosplayer
Tsumugi Shirogane - APlainWeeb
Korekiyo Shinguji - ILoveHumanity
Rantaro Amami - 420WhatYaSmokin
Kaede Akamatsu - PianoLesbian
Maki Harukawa - SecretASSassin
Kaito Momota - IdiotAstronaut
Miu Iruma - TittyInventor
Kirumi Tojo - MommyKirumi
Ryoma Hoshi - TennisCriminalMan
Gonta Gokuhara - BuggyBoy
( Normal Chat Nicknames )

SecretlyIsntLesbian: Okay wait, so what actually happened here

CosplayedOnce: Idk

HadAPinkPhase: WAIT-

HadAPinkPhase: CosplayedOnce cant be Tsumugi cuz she is the Ultimate Cosplayer

HadAPinkPhase: And I have a pretty good guess as to who she is anyway

HadAPinkPhase: Tsumugi are you WatchedAnimeForAWeekStraight?

WatchedAnimeForAWeekStraight: Yep

-WatchedAnimeForAWeekStraight has changed their nickname to APlainWeeb-

IsAVirgin: You fuckers, I already know who Tenko is!

HadAPinkPhase: You do? and hi Miu

IsAVirgin: Fuck ya got me

-IsAVirgin has changed their name to TittyInventor-

TittyInventor: Tenko is SecretlyIsntLesbian!

SecretlyIsntLesbian: Nope I'm not Tenko either

SecretlyIsntLesbian: I don't think Tenko has even talked yet

ItsRealMagic: I know who Tenko is!

HadAPinkPhase: You do Himiko?

ItsRealMagic: Haha lol nope, cant believe you fell for that Shuichi!

HadAPinkPhase: Well dang..

-HadAPinkPhase changed their nicknake to NotAnEmo-

-BestSupremeLeader has changed NotAnEmo nickname to EmoBoyShumai-

EmoBoyShumai: I have to stick with this name Kokichi?

BestSupremeLeader: Yep!

EmoBoyShumai: Okay then..

ItsRealMagic: But seriously, I know who Tenko is :)

IsADegenerateHerself: Well guess I should just come out of hiding then

EmoBoyShumai: Whoa there Tenko, did not expect that from you

IsADegenerateHerself: Yep

-IsADegenerateHerself has changed their name to Lesbian 1-

EmoBoyShumai: Wait so who do we have left to find?

Lesbian 1: Uhh

BestSupremeLeader: Kaede, Maki, Idiot, Angie, Kork, Kiiboy, Kirumi, Ryoma and Gonta

CheatedATest: IM NOT AN IDIOT!

Really Ouma? ⌨︎A V3 Chatfic⌨︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz