"Tadashi..." He opened his eyes the tiniest bit to see his mother hovering over him with a small smile. Any normal person would've just pulled the cover over their head but he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hm?" He hummed as he smiled back at her.

"I was going out so I wanted you to know..." She was always so cautious about leaving him home alone. Anything could happen so she always told him first. Then he locked everything just so she'd feel better about leaving. Someone could try to break in and he'd be pretty much useless besides trying to threaten them with a frying pan or some other kitchen supply. He'd never dare to make a threat with a knife because he didn't want to kill anyone.

His mother kissed his cheek and left the room. So he got up and stretched before he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. He took his phone in case someone messaged him and shoved it on the island counter. Then decided he'd make eggs and toast for breakfast, taking out everything he needed to do so. His phone buzzed behind him as he cracked the eggs into the pan and he left them for a second to sizzle as he checked who it was.

Another mystery number sent him a photo. He'd open it later.

Yamaguchi finished making his food and was eating. Now deciding it was to check the picture. His heart rate never increased faster in his life.

His house. The front of his house. A caption reading 'I know you're alone' across the image.

'Oh god.'

He went to check that the front door was locked and then peeked out the window. There was nobody there. That was even more unsettling.

This isn't happening. He ran to his room and shut the door, locking that door as well before he went over to his cupboard and hid in it. Yamaguchi was going to stay there until his mom came home. Something like this had never happened before but his mother told him if something happened, he should drop whatever he was doing and hide if it's serious enough call the police but he didn't know if it was because nobody ever did anything yet. Then he texted Tsukishima.


Tsukki <3

Yams :

Tsukki :
Calm down.
What is it?

Yams :
(One image attachment)

Tsukki :
Wait for what?
Who is that?

Yams :
I don't know!
I'm hiding

Tsukki :
Well, what are you texting me for!? Call the police!

Yams :
They haven't done anything else!

Tsukki :
Yeah and don't give them the chance too!

Yams :
Okay, fair point-

Tsukki :
No shit


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