Chapter Nine: Could You Like Maybe Not Lore Dump Me?

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How many bones can you break before you die? 

Answer: it's apparently as many as you damn please. Happy for me and tragic for you, I lived through that encounter with only a couple minor bumps and bruises. Ok, that last part was most definitely a lie. According to the doctor, I had four broken ribs, one broken right arm, and so many bruises that a kid even asked if I was Thanos. 

Apparently, there was even a high possibility of me experiencing brain damage as well, but as you can see here, my brain is exactly the same as before! They say you can't break what's already broken and clearly, my mind already had a couple screws loose even before all this nonsense.

On a brighter note, Sophia is apparently alive! 

When I asked a doctor about her status, he informed me that she was alive, but barely hanging on when they got her. She had lost about thirty-eight percent of her blood which considering her wounds, was surprisingly a small amount. Clearly, her survival had something to do with her strange authority over blood.

Oh yeah, I may be physically fine but my mind was definitely still in pieces. It would've all been fine if the story was simply, "two students attacked by a man with a bomb," but I knew that wasn't the case because the last time I checked, NORMAL TERRORISTS DON'T DROP CONCRETE ON YOU FROM THE STRATOSPHERE!

Aside from that small fact, Sophia's behavior during those last few moments really bothered me. By the looks of things, she was probably having an extreme case of PTSD. I can't forgive myself for abandoning her when she needed me, so I have a duty to get to the bottom of this.

With all that on my mind, let's just say that it was a tad bit difficult for Mr. Walter to get his recommended eight hours of sleep. All my musing aside, all that's left now is to wait for Sophia to wake up so I can slam her with some questions.


Oh sorry, I was informed by a nurse that apparently the word "slam" should not be used with regards to patients. Stupid responsible adult, you wouldn't say that if your blood was almost torn out now would you? 

Along with that reminder, the nurse also informed me that my friend was finally awake and that I could go see her for a short visit. Yep, time to interrogate *cough* I mean talk with the patient.

It was a short walk to her room and for me who was stuck in a wheelchair, that short walk was something closer to an all-terrain hike. Who would have known that stairs could ever present such a challenge? When I got there, Sophia was sitting up in bed with a particularly nasty look on her face. As she peeled her apple, I suddenly had a reevaluation of my choice to pay her a visit. 

Does she even want to see me after our last exchange? What if she hates me? How can I even-

To respond to my concern, she promptly started to throw her peels at me.

"Falls! How are you doing? Are you all right? Your injuries! GASP! You're in a wheelchair-" she stopped, suddenly becoming embarassingly aware of herself.

"Well I mean nice job not dying there, idiot. It really would have been pathetic if you let me outlive you considering that you did basically nothing. Besides, your soul is so awful, that I bet even Hell would spit you right back to Earth. Also, what are you trying to cosplay as? Are you supposed to be Thanos or a Barney that tripped on some roots?

I love you too, Sophia Akinson, though I'd appreciate it if you would drop the second part of your greeting.

"Yes, yes I get it! You don't care about me, I'm an idiot. I have a brother for that so I'd prefer the position of Vice-Falls's Ego Deflator stayed empty going into the future."

"Hmph," Sophia spouted while crossing her arms and averting her gaze.

Seriously dude, what are you reading in those books of yours? This is so textbook that I can't believe that you failed all your classes.

"Alright. Enough about me for now. How are you doing? I heard that you lost 38 percent of your blood so how on God's green Earth did you live?"

"Did I really lose that much. I didn't think The Rocker did that much damage to me. He retreated soon after our second exchange right?" she replied with a puzzled look on her face.

Retreated? He dropped a pile of concrete on you from space! Are you brain-damaged!?

"First of all, please don't call him The Rocker. One, that's disrespectful considering that he almost killed us. Two, if I have to tell people I almost died by the hands of a dude named The Rocker, people are going to think that I had a psychotic nanny. Also, what do you mean he retreated after our second exchange? Did you forget everything after?"

"Falls, as you know from my academic record, I have an amazing memory."

A lie.

"My math skills are amazing, so I understand that 38 percent is a lot."

Also a lie. You can't do two plus two without your fingers.

"Humans die when they lose forty percent of their blood, so if I was that close, I definitely wouldn't be alive here now."

Surprisingly correct. Good on you for knowing such useless information.

"Alright, one last question. Does the word, "monster" mean anything to you?"

The temperature around us dropped a few degrees following that word. Sophia's face remained calm but her eyes told a different story. One look was all it took to see the fear hidden inside her.

"Where did you get that word from?" she demanded with an edge to her question.

"Answer the question Sophia," I pressed, holding my ground against her. She paused for a second to perhaps consider the best way to dice me up and then finally replied.

"Fine, it doesn't come up in recent memory." 

I sighed with relief on hearing those words. It seems that she lost her memories of the last part of yesterday's fight. I may be selfish for this, but I'm glad that she could forget that trauma. 

With Sophia cleared up, it was time for the second pressing concern on my mind to take the spotlight.

"Hey Sophia, I want to know the truth. Give it to me straight; what happened yesterday?" 

I expected some resistance but she simply nodded as if I was only asking about the weather.


"It's a long story but you probably deserve to know."

Yep, I guess it's lore dump time. I'm seriously not getting enough credits for dealing with her.

"Falls, are you familiar with the Book of Genesis?"






Yo reader, wasup on this nice day. Ok sorry that was cringe. I don't have anything particularly important to say on this chill chapter so let's get done with the author's note.

Blah blah blah, consider voting or commenting if you liked the chapter, blah  blah blah.

Well it's time for the question of the chapter! Do you think the Rocker is a good name? If not come up with your own suggestions.

No more time wasting here, see yall Sunday!

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