What Are We

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B: Are you ready to be something with me?

Me: I don't know. I mean i just got out of a relationship so i don-

B: Hey I'm not forcing you to rush into anything you know that right?

Me: Yeah I know.

B: So is it a yes or no? About you being my girlfriend.

Me: It's a yes.

He jumped out of his seat and spun me around then pulled me into a passionate kiss. I started to notice how a few people started staring at us.

Me: Baby I think we're causing a scene.

B: So, let them watch. It doesn't matter now that I'm yours and you're mine.

We laughed together and ran out of the mall and almost ran into a few people.

*back in the car on the way to his house*

B: Oh hey by the way I texted Zach and he said you can stay at our place tonight. If you want.

Me: I'd love to.

We went to my apartment to get some stuff I needed and I told Marie where I was going and we drove back to his house. When we got their it was almost time for them to go live. Bryan said I could go to his room and do whatever, so I took a nap. A few minutes before they were supposed to end the lives I decided to go take a shower. I got a towel, got my clothes out of my bag, put on some music and hopped in. A few minutes later I felt a pair of hands around my waist. I quickly turned and tried to cover myself.

B: Relax it's just me you're ok.

I slowly started to relax and I turned back around. We washed ourselves and got ready for bed.

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