The Decision

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After a horrible nights sleep i have finally made up my mind about whether i want to go to California or not. I got up to make breakfast, but Marie wasn't up, which was strange of her because she is always awake before me at sleepovers. Then I noticed the note she left saying that she went to get groceries. Which meant i had to go eat somewhere because there was nothing in the fridge. So I decided to go eat at my favorite place, Dairy Queen. 

Marie only lives about 5 minutes away so i didn't have to drive for long. I was about to get out, but then i saw Jacob in a booth with the girl i caught him with. so I chose to go through the drive-thru instead. After I ate in the parking lot I went back to Marie's apartment. This time she was there so I finally got ready to tell her my decision. We sat down on her couch and I finally told her.

Marie:So what's up?

Me:I made up my decision.

Marie:On what?

I smacked her on the head.¨ About moving to California, stupid.¨

Marie:OOH. So is it yes or a no?

Me:It's a yes!!

Hello it is me,Katy i might not be able to write that much because i have school and it really sucks but i will try to write as much as possible. I am really sorry this is a short chapter I couldnt write that much last night because I had to go to sleep. I love you all and goodmorning or goodnight.

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