Because It's You

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Figuring out what to do with these feelings was one of the single most difficult questions that Amity had ever felt herself struggle with in her entire life. Trying to keep a handle on them to not make a complete fool of herself in front of Luz. Trying to put them aside so she could focus on whatever other tasks were at hand. Trying to just make sense of it for the longest time.

Eventually, a point had been reached in Amity's mind - That she couldn't keep going on like this. She couldn't just hope that eventually, everything would just work itself out. At the absolute least, she was certain Luz wouldn't just cut her off if she told her. .

She hoped.

There were a hundred different ways that Amity could have seen her confession going.

Naturally, the outcome that she wanted was for Luz to accept her confession. That somehow, Luz saw her in a similar way that she saw her. That maybe... Something could come of it. That Amity would be able to be honest with her about how she felt, and then by some miracle, she could hear the same being said back to her.

What she felt was more likely, and what she was afraid of happening, was Luz rejecting her. She already knew that that would hurt, more than anything she could even think she'd experienced before now. And it didn't make sense to be afraid of it, but Amity was still afraid of being cut off from Luz because of it - That it would make Luz too uncomfortable to even be around her anymore. She wouldn't blame L:uz for it, but....

...But even if that did end up being the case.... Amity didn't think she could keep this up anymore.

There were a dozen variations in between that too. Where Luz didn't know what she felt but was still willing to... See what happened, or where she rejected her but remained vehemently insistent that they were still friends. One scenario involved them being involved by Gods-knew-what - Which had been why Amity had arrived a half hour before the agreed upon time - To try to ensure that there was nothing that could conceivably interrupt them.

A scenario she did not predict was being dragged to the Owl House while Luz yelled something about a Love Potion.

This she hadn't thought of.

"Edaaaaaa!" The moment the Owl House was in sight, Luz called out to her mentor, like she was hoping she'd get a response from the Owl Lady before she even stepped foot in the building.

She did get a response though, but it wasn't from Eda.

"Oh heeeeeeey Luz! Ooh, company! Hooty hoot! I loooooove company! This one time I -"

"Hooty, not now!" Luz yelled at the House Demon, before all but tackling the door open to gain entry to Owl House. Were there any non-Magical locks, they would have been knocked right off the doorframe.

The second the Human had dragged Amity into the building, she slammed the door behind her, and the muffled suns of "Jeez, okay! Rude!" were heard on the other side. Amity almost felt bad for Hooty - Somehow she got the feeling Luz didn't normally act that way around the Demon.

"Eda!" Luz shouted into the house.

She got no reply.

"Eda?!" Luz poked her head through a few doors, before running to the top of the nearby staircase and shouting again. "Eda?! Eda where are you?! Amity's been affected by a Love Potion!"

"Luz, this is ridiculous, there isn't even - " Amity tried to call to Luz, but she had already darted into the corridors of the second floor of the house. She could hear Luz running from room to room above her, and her muffled yells that went unanswered.

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