It Must Be A Love Potion

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There were dozens of things that never happened for Luz back on Earth. And a lot of them were very... Unpleasant to think about. Which was why Luz tended not to think about them whenever she could help it.

One of those things was the fact that she never really had friends back home - All her antics, obsessions with her fantasy books, games and her attempts to spice up whatever classes she found herself in had rendered her something of an outcast there. She never got invited to sit with people at lunch. She never got invited to parties. She wasn't ever even asked if she wanted to hang out - All the normal things that one would expect someone her age to be doing. But it just never happened for her.

And it didn't bother her all that much.

Well... It kind of did, a little bit. No one liked being left out. But it just seemed to be how things were, how they were going to be. Not unless she forced herself to change, and give up all the things that she enjoyed - And Luz wasn't prepared to do that. She just didn't gel well with other people back home, it seemed. And she'd made peace with that, and she'd learned to deal with it in her own way - Mostly by throwing herself into whatever kind of fantasy she could get her hands on. She got so much reading and writing and drawing done, so it sort of worked out in the end?

Hey, she was the one who could write an entire fantasy epic in an afternoon - Which she had done a few times at this point! Mostly in fanfiction, granted, but still! That was a win in her book!

But the Boiling Isles had changed all of that. The people she had gotten to meet, the friends she had made, the time they all got to spend together - All while she got to learn to be a Witch?

It was like... Everything that she had ever wanted, just thrown at her, through being possibly the luckiest Human being in existence! Mystery, adventure, magic, drama, friends who didn't ask her to change in the slightest for them, but even seemed to embrace her antics at times! It was like a dream! And she tried to make the most of that every day she was here, not wanting to waste a second of it!

How different things would be, how lonely she would be if she was still on Earth, at camp, surrounded by people who just... Didn't get it? She thought about it a lot - How much this place meant to her. The Owl House, the Boiling Isles. Eda. King. Willow and Gus.


Just how lucky she was to be here. How she wouldn't trade this place for anything. How this place had changed her life. How she felt at home here. Somehow more at home here than she ever did back on Earth - Not counting her Mamá, of course, but even then, it felt like she didn't always understand her either. She felt accepted here, without any qualifiers. That there were people here who liked her, all her weirdness notwithstanding.

Everything was different here.

Luz hummed to herself as she glanced around the forest, these thoughts bouncing around in her brain. A palm-squirrel watched her almost skip down the path she walked, and she watched as it balled it's weirdly-Human-looking-hand-for-a-head into a fist as she walked underneath its branch, and then opened back up once she was at the other side. The wildlife of the Boiling Isles was like something out of a series on cosmic horror, but somehow Luz had become accustomed to a lot of it. She smiled at the palm-squirrel as she walked away from it, before returning her sight to the path. It wasn't unusual to see one of those critters here.

What she was doing here was a bit more unusual though. But that filled her with a bundle of excitement.

Normally it was her asking Amity to hang out, not the other way around.

Last night though, while the two girls spoke over their Crystal Balls, Amity had asked Luz to meet her in the forest the next day. She had mentioned about it being important, and that she was hoping that the pair of them could hang out.

It Must Be (A) Love (Potion)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz