21. just my (blood) type

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Halloween was Milo's favourite time of the year. Apart from Christmas, of course.

To be honest, the only reason Milo even loved Halloween as much as he did was because of all the candy. Well, he didn't get any candy anymore, he hadn't been trick-or-treating in years, but they always bought a ton of candy to hand out to the kids who came over, and Milo always ate the extras. By himself, which was a little unhealthy if he thought about it, which is why, he just didn't.

Now wasn't any different, except for the fact that he was sharing his candy with Ray, Jude and Evangeline, as opposed to eating it by himself.

"Eva, don't fuckin' eat all the cherry ones!" Jude complained, smacking Evangeline's hand away and opening a cherry flavoured Starburst for himself.

Milo opened a lemon flavoured one and offered it to Xen, who opened his mouth, eyes shining with amusement when Milo tossed it into his mouth.

"What are we watching?" Faiza questioned, wrinkling her nose at Ray when he accidentally spilt water down the front of his shirt. "You're so fu—" She muttered something under her breath, and then continued. "You're so clumsy, I hate it," she remarked, handing Ray a hand towel which was placed on the table they'd dragged from Milo's dad's room.

Their seating arrangement was weird, with Ray, Evangeline and Faiza on the ground, and the rest of them on the bed, laptop resting on the table in front of them. But none of them had any complaints. Milo definitely didn't, he got to sit next to Xen.

No gay thoughts.

Evangeline grabbed the Starburst from Jude's hand before he could put it in his mouth, and said, through her chewing, "Faiza, you don't swear?"

Faiza just laughed. "Dude, we've known each other for like, a whole year. I try my best not to swear, unless I really want to."

"Wish I had that kind of willpower. Fucking queen," Ray stated, causing Faiza to smile in response. "We're watching The Grudge, by the way. If any of you are scared, too bad." And then, he added, "But if y'all are genuinely scared of horror movies, we can watch something else."

That was it— the only thing that Milo hated about Halloween. Horror movies.

Biting on his bottom lip, Milo spoke up. "I don't like them," he stated meekly, sandwiching himself in between Jude and Xen on his bed. Jude patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Evangeline to sit on the bed with them, despite the fact that there was barely any space left. Evangeline made her way over anyway, pressing into Jude as he placed a soft kiss on her hair and murmured something to her, something that Milo couldn't hear.

To someone who didn't know Jude, that gesture would've seemed weird, maybe even romantic. But Milo knew Jude, and he knew that he was just feeling particularly affectionate today, and that he would be next in line to receive the same type of affection.

"Yeah?" Ray took a look at Milo from his seat on the ground, Milo's laptop resting on his lap. "That's cool, we can—"

Milo shook his head, about to protest, when Xen smiled and said, "I'll hold your hand, don't worry. You can squeeze it when you're scared."

God, I'm going to scream. "Shut up," Milo mumbled, but Xen just laughed, ruffling his hair as he moved a little, creating some more space for Jude and Evangeline. Jude gave Milo a subtle eyebrow raise, but Milo just stuck his tongue out in reply. Hopefully, subtly.

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