Tyler and Tony were bunking together, while Zach was with Charlie as I've just seen them eating some cookies and also trying to figure out how to put up a tent.

"I have practice." Winston shrugged, then motioned inside the tent. "Welcome to our temporary home."

We both chuckled as I went inside, put down my bag and got my stuff out. Mom had gone shopping yesterday and had brought new camping stuff, like a sleeping bag and a headlamp which I'm pretty sure never going to wear. She also gave me a First-Aid kit, as if Dad and Mrs. Jensen wouldn't be carrying one each.

Yes, Mrs. Jensen was the other chaperon here, and truth be told I think the school wanted her to come to keep an eye on Clay. So, one more person to look over Clay. As they say, the more the merrier.

"I think one of this sleeping bags isn't going to be much of use." Winston said, and motioned to our sleeping bags. He raised his eyebrows, but I already knew what he meant. "If you know, you know?"

We never discussed going further than making out. I didn't even knew if he had any experience, but I sure as hell didn't. And I definitely wasn't trying anything else on this already stressful trip.

"Hey, Alex?" Winston and I turned around to see Clay looking inside our tent. "I need to talk to you. It's, uhm, important."

Clay glanced at Winston unsurely, and I nodded back. 

"Yeah." I agreed, then turn towards Winston. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." Winston shrugged, and I followed Clay out. We stopped some distance away from the tents, and he made sure no one else was listening.

"So..." He began. "I know you are dating Winston."

How the fucking hell?

I though we were being careful, and here was Clay just saying it out.

"Dude, that's..." I tried to put myself into words, as Clay gave a glance towards Winston who was by our tent. "I am not dating Winston. I mean, that's crazy."

It was kind of true though. Winston and I had never made anything official so I can't really say that we were dating.

"Alex, Ani saw you in the hallway at the dance."

What the actual fuck?

I knew Ani was always poking her unwanted nose in everyone else's business, but this was not something everyone should just know.

"That's not anyone else's fucking business." I replied, shaking my head at him.

"Actually, it is." Clay replied, as I looked at him in confusion. "Winston can alibi Monty for the night of Bryce's murder."

Holy. Shit.

That... can't be true. I mean, Winston and Monty? How is that even possible?

"They were together." Clay continued and I just stared at him in disbelief. "Winston told Ani right after Monty died."

The fuck?

Ani and Clay knew? This whole fucking time? And they never said anything?

"So, Winston and Monty?" I asked him, trying to make sense of everything. "But Monty wasn't gay. Was he?"

Monty had always been homophobic towards gay people, swearing at them and being rude. I remember hearing him call Tony a 'faggot' multiple times.

"People surprise you." Clay replied, but now something else was bugging me.

"Does he know what I did?" I asked, and Clay knew who I was talking about.

The Thoughts Between Us // CHALEXWhere stories live. Discover now