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When we arrive at the room, I saw the King with all its glory, seating on the elegant sofa. Behind him is the man who was with him before. 

The King looked up at me when he saw me arrive.

He gestures me to sit down in front of him.

"You may leave!" He waves his hand, referring to the maid and guards inside. 

The maids and guards bowed their heads before leaving the room and shut the door quietly.

Now, Thelma and the other maid are gone. Only the three of us, the man with a blue elegance robe,  are now in the room.

I roamed my eyes inside and I almost fell on my seat when I saw how extravagance this entire room was. The whole floor is covered with red carpet, from the furniture around, and to the things displayed.

I only turn my head when these Godly Kings start to talk.

''My bride, are you feeling  well now?"

He asked me with a soft expression on his face.

'Stop calling me a bride!' I wanted to shout at him but keep it. Who knows what can he do to me when I say that! 

I unconsciously bit my lip. 

I still have no idea how to react in front of him. I barely knew him. If he was my boss back in my work, maybe I already ditched him and never showed my face to him.

But he is the king. He has the highest authority in this place. And he keeps on calling me his bride. That's the thing that gave me a headache.

But how can I tell him that I am a man and not a woman? And I'm not interested in him.

"I'm fine now. You're majesty!"

I answered with a normal expression on my face.

"Good! Do you have something you want to do?

"No, you're majesty!"

" I want to show you in the Palace Garden. You might like it there."

I look at him, confused.

Isn't this place is already inside the palace?

"Yeah, sure!"

I agreed. Since I don't have things in my mind what I'm gonna do. Maybe roaming around in this huge place is the better choice.

And I can look at all the possible ways how to escape this place and go back to the city. I need to find a route to where I can go to the embassy and they will help me to went back home.

The king stands in front of me and reaches his hands to me.

"Let's... Let's walk together. "

He said while he has this serious expression on his face.

I gulped. Don't tell me he wanted us to join hands while walking in the entire palace. 

Is he serious?

I peek at his back and I saw, the man with her, the one who has a blue robe signaling to take his hands.

So, with a heavy heart. 

I take his hands. I flinched when he held my hands tightly. When I look up at him, his lips rose a bit and has a soft expression. 

I feel my heartbeats become fast as if it's gonna explode at any moment. What happens to me? Do I have a heart ailment? The last time I went doctor doctors perfectly healthy. So why my heart is aching

I felt his hands when he started to walks.

His hands are so rough. When I look at it. It is full of scars and healing wounds. 

I furrow my brows. What did he do that made his hands like that? 

I look straight when he tags me lightly. We are already outside the room with our hands intertwined. 

I felt my face burning with embarrassment especially when I saw some of the servants and the knights looking at us with curiosity.

I want to disappear right now.

But when I saw the king's expression.

It made me feel comfortable. I let him lead the way as I let my feet move on this own.

I'm not into this kind of stuff and I'm not dreaming to be in a relationship with a man. I can tell that I also have no interest in women before because I was so absorbed in my studies and jobs.

But, right now, I feel my heart throbbed strangely in a way that I don't understand. Everything is new to me. 

The confusion in my heart disappeared when I focus my attention on the surroundings as the king patiently explained everything to me, even the great history of the country while he held my hands tightly.

He is like a child afraid to be separated from his mother, the way he held my hands.

I Became The King's Bride [BL]Where stories live. Discover now