The two stood infront of another with narrowed eyes, Natsu closed the distance in a blink and plowed a fist on fire in Great Flame's stomach sending him across the room.

"Okay first blow was giving, now lets go" Totomaru as he slashed with his sword but Natsu ducked, sidestepped and dodged to the sides pass the slashes.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" Natsu called Totomaru made a fire circle tried to make the attack reflect, but Natsu grimaced and the attack blasted right through, hitting him in the face sending him through the thick walls and crashed in a room 5 yards away, Natsu walked over to him who got up with a groan.

"Fire molding: Javelins" He barked sent several Javelins made of fire at Great Flame who stopped them.

"I can control any flames" Totomaru hissed the Javelins ends grew and tried to hit Natsu but he squinted and they stopped again he roared and several streams of fire exploded from them catching Great Flame in the flames.

"Hell Dragon Blazing Fist" Natsu bellowed charging forward slamming a fist covered in Hellfire, into the flames hitting Toromaru in the stomach sending him out of the flames clothing on fire he collided with the far wall in the back of the room they were in.

"I'm not even using 10% of my power against you, I must say I'm disappointed" Natsu frowned

"You dare mock me" Totomaru bellowed jumping forward ready to strike him down with his sword.

"Fire Molding: Katana" Natsu ordered as flames formed and shaped a Katana made of fire and it got solid as Natsu put his will and feeling into it making it firm as iron and blocked the slash and parried which was blocked, he sidestepped a stab and grabbed Totomaru's arm trapping it in under his arm putting pressure on the elbow joint and stepping and tripped his ankle and headbutted Great Flame in the face with the side of his temple knocking him off his feet and sent a burning slash across the stomach burning him but not killing him as he fell on the floor.

Natsu made the Katana go away "If thats the best The Element of the Great Flame can do, as a Fire Dragon Slayer I'm offended, so be gone" he stated in a cold hard voice before sending a strong punch with it on fire to his face sending him flying through the walls and out of the side of the robot on the other side and into the water but luckily it was shallow and he was floating to land, knocked out.

"Way to Man up" a familiar voice said, Natsu looked and saw Elfman and Gray.

"That was not hard at all" Natsu frowned "Gajeel would've done better" he said.

"any way we need to stop this thing down now" Gray spoke.

"I know, one of the Elements is out meaning there is 3 left" Natsu said "I immediately felt the Abyss break power down a bit when Fire was taking out" he told them.

"Means there is water, air and earth" Gray nodded.

"Correct now lets kick this overgrown walking robots rocky ass" Natsu told them then grunted when a familiar High-heel flew through the air hitting him in the head "What in Fire King's-" he frowned as he caught the falling heel.

"Mira!?" The three gaped but Natsu recovered with his serious gaze as a irked Mirajane was standing there 10 yards away with one high-heel still on and one barefoot.

"Sis what are you doing here?" Elfman demanded.

"I'm here to help" Mira responded.

"You'll get yourself hurt or killed, this isn't Grunts this is the Element 4 here" Gray replied.

"Well 3 actually" Elfman corrected "The new manlier Natsu took him down, like a Real Man" he cheered.

"Please stop with the New Natsu, I am the same Natsu just a bit rebuilt and serious" Natsu said in a firm voice "Now if you plan on throwing shoes at someone throw them at Phantom not us" he told her with serious tone.

"I 'll throw them at anyone who uses bad language, including you so watch your mouth" Mirajane said matching his gaze "or your helping me with the dishes back at the Guild" she threatened.

"You can't be serious" Natsu scowled.

"Uh Natsu here's a little advise, don't test big sis because she will keep her threats" Elfman warned Natsu.

"Okay fine" Natsu grumbled then frowned deeper as he looked at the hallway sniffing the air "I smell dirt and rock" he stated then Element of the Earth came up in thin air.

"Am afraid your not getting any closer" Sol of The Great Earth spoke with a gasp.

"It's Sol" Mira frowned.

"Keep sharp and watch out" Natsu told them in a stern and all business voice, they nodded getting ready.

"Oh I'm afraid you can't get out of here alive" Sol said then launching a large limb of Rock at them at a fast speed, Natsu quickly reacted with lightning like speed, he rooted his feet in the ground and caught the giant limb with his hands only moving a half an inch.

"Oh my a Strong one you are" Sol gasped and cheered clapping and two walls of rock tried to squish him but Natsu let go moved back and braced his arms out catching them and pushing "Fire Dragon Roar" he barked letting out a stream of Redish orange fire at the limb melt it into a melted slab of molten rock gritting his teeth Natsu grunted and pulled the walls off the ground and chucked them at Sol one at a time who held a hand out and they fell apart in pebbles.

"Now guys!" Natsu called, Elfman jumped with a big metal arm Sol turned to him raising a hand but got caught off when Mirajane threw her other high-heel at him hitting Sol in the face.

Gray jumped on the wall ran across it jumping at Sol "Ice Make: Cannon" he called making a big cannon of ice shooting Sol with a blast of ice to Elfman who knocked him with his metal arm to Natsu, who jumped at him yelling igniting a fist with Bright orange fire "Fire Dragon Iron Fist" slamming the attack in Sol's gut knocking him 30 yards slamming through a high arch of a door making a large hole in it as he broke through it.

"Good team work" Natsu nodded with a neutral expression.

"Lets keep it that way" Gray agreed Elfman and Mira nodded, Sol got back up.

"Now it's unfortunate that you made me angry" Sol gasped.

"Shut up and fight" Natsu shot back, then Sol sent another limb attack at them but Natsu jumped forward "Fire Dragon Crushing Iron Fang" he called striking the combined attack with a the ridge of his hand and finger tips in a downward chop on the limbs head with a burst of flames it broke in pieces.

"Natsu throw me" Elfman ordered who nodded grabbed Elfman by the metal arm.

"Gray distract him" Natsu called to Gray.

"Ice make: freeze ray" Gray voiced send a ray of freezing cold ice at Sol who raised a earth Shield in front freezing the rock and sending it back but Natsu plowed right through it with a fist pointed out and threw Elfman at Sol who couldn't react in time, Elfman decked him in the face sending him flying on the floor, then Gray and Natsu doubled teamed and Punched Sol with a double uppercut to the jaw sending him flying back and crashing on the floor.

"Goddamn bullies" Sol glowered but got knocked out when Mirajane struck him in the head with a high-heel.

"Watch your mouth" Mirajane glared at him.

"two down two to go" Elfman said with a fist pump.

"Don't fist pump yet save it after this war" Natsu reminded him sternly.

"Agreed" Gray nodded, Natsu glared as he picked up a familiar scent "Gajeel's not here, then he sensed trouble "You three deal with the last 2 elements I'll deal with Gajeel" he told them they nodded and Natsu ran back out at a inhuman speed back to the city.

The prince of all fire dragon dragons Where stories live. Discover now