Chapter 6

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Natsu and the group was Traveling back to Fairy Tail by train.

"You were right about this job it was a trap" Erza said "Sorry we didn't listen, i'm truly embarrassed please someone hit me "

"If there's a number of things that I know, it's always trust your instincts" Natsu told her "Just think of this moment at a lesson learned" he said with a stern gaze.

"So you were aware of R.J's scheme even before you left" Lucy said.

"Yeah the impostor mailman, may have looked like him but you can't fool the nose of a Dragon Slayer, he didn't smell right" Natsu explained "and that Town we were in, wasn't overtaking by Grimmel that's what R.J wanted us to think we get distracted fight he comes in with a sneak attack draining magic spell to obtain them, he was a parasite he leeches off magic" he said "when we arrived I immediately had a red flag"

"I mean seriously do you really think I would just threaten a random village like that?" Natsu said "If I wasn't so evolved from 2 years ago, I might just take it personally" he told them.

"But I'll let it go" Natsu spoke with a plain expression put on a serious glare "this time at least" he added.

"Understood" Erza nodded.

Then Natsu's stomach growled loudly a third time "Man I'm hungry, I'm about ready to jump out of this train the moment I see an animal and eat it" he frowned.

"I think we're all getting a little hungry" Mirajane admitted.

Just then Lucy summoned Virgo, the Celestial maiden "You summoned me Princess?" she bowed.

"were running low on time but we're hungry" Lucy explained.

"I'll shall bring something up" Virgo bowed and her hand glowed and a table appeared with a giant bowl of Ramen big enough for a whole Guild, chicken grilled and crispy and corn on the cob, and buttered biscuits, in fact everything was big enough for a whole Guild.

Everyone got their plates ready and ate their share "thank you Virgo" Lucy smiled.

"I'm happy to help, I shall bring the stuff away" Virgo said.

"Actually it's rude to leave food around" Natsu spoke, then Natsu in 4 seconds cleared out the left over Chicken and corn and the biscuits, then shoveled a big mouth full of Ramen

"Question for ya, how much did you eat when training?" Gray spoke

Natsu looked up "myyb ay ut my wer mals away so, ben whil" he said incoherently with the mouthful of noodles dangling up and down as he spoke, Mira giggled behind her hand.

"Okay try saying that without your mouthful" Lucy frowned.

Natsu looked at Happy by Erza shrugged and with a long slurp the noodles sucked into his mouth, mouthful after mouthful noodle after noodle till the bowl was empty in 3 seconds and with his mouth stretching like he would when blowing fire swallowed them into his stomach in a gulp.

"Thank Virgo everything was excellent" Natsu smirked.

"Gross" Gray grimaced.

"Never seen a mortal eat that fast before" Virgo stated the table and empty plated vanished in yellow light with her fading back to the Celestial world.

"Your Table manners are lacking" Erza shook her head.

"Well I was hungry, you don't want to be near me when I get cranky" Natsu told her "and to answer your question I said, There was but it got harder because I kept on scaring them off" he told them.

"aye we had to hike for miles maybe 2 just to find something small" Happy responded.

"Correction I was hiking you sat and rested on my head the whole time" Natsu glanced at him "But yeah my training scared them away and was getting harder to find them, my last day didn't see anything and the issue with Phantom so I was like forget it have something to distract me with" He said.

The prince of all fire dragon dragons Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora