Chapter 10

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Phantom was thoroughly tricked by Natsu's trick and the Guild's ran at each other, Natsu didn't waste magic on them, he went just old fashion taking them down with just his fighting skills. He jumped over one landing he sent a thrusting front kick into his stomach sending him back, grabbing an arm he flipped another on the ground while the others followed his lead.

minutes later, Natsu felt trouble coming as the ground trembled and Jose hideout and their second Guild touched down in the lake 90 yards away.

"You brats are going to pay for ruining my first Guildhall" Jose showed up on a lacrima screen.

"You started it" Macao shot back.

"I'm not talking about the broke door and roof, one of you set it on fire" Jose barked everyone looked at Natsu who smirked.

"Whoops" Natsu shrugged "Just a message to tell you Back off or burn" he stated with a hard glare.

"But I'll let it slide if you hand over Lucy" Jose demanded.

"How about this, no will not give up one of friends to a snobby sniveling little Bitch like you" Natsu snarled.

"Yeah so go away you old bastard" Gray responded.

"I won't tolerate such disrespect" Jose fumed, then the roof opened up revealing a Jupiter cannon it stretched out "Prepare to get blown away with your Guildhall" he cackled as the screen faded away.

"Crap" they all stated.

"Okay new plan take out the cannon, the first priority" Natsu spoke, then looking at it as it was charging up a fire circle appeared beneath him and he took off with flames from his feet staying close to the lake, he blasted under the barrel turning up with a flaming bright orange fist.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist and Flame elbow" Natsu roared as a stream of orange flames exploded from his elbow, then another circle appeared tripling his speed with a bellow he slammed the turbo charged iron fist against the barrel right in the middle the force bent the barrel in a arc as the cannon axles and supports snapped as the cannon was uprooted from it's place and ripped through the roof before splashing into the lake.

"Now thats taking care of" Erza exhaled in relief as she quipped a sword and pointed it forward "Attack" she ordered.

Jose in his throne was about to fire when all of a sudden it was bashed right out of his roof, surprising him because it was not a simple task to pull up, first his barrier was taking down and now his precious cannon.

"no matter Shadow shades attack and wake the Giant up" Jose ordered as 1000's of purple phantoms came out dressed like reapers and went over to the Fairy Tail Members as the Guild stood up rocks that were stuck broke off as it grew robotic limbs with a ugly looking face, the Guild turned into a Giant walking robot and started drawing something.

"We stop that thing now" Macao said alarmed.

Natsu was outside he felt the hairs in the back of hit neck stand up "I need to find the Elements or at least one" he stated Natsu sniffed the air and paused when he smelt a fiery energy "That must be Element of fire" he thought about it "you know what screw it I want to test an Element of fire" he stated and landed in the wrecked roof where the Element of fire appeared named Totomaru.

"You must be The Element of fire, I can smell fire mages a mile away" Natsu stated.

"It is I Laddie, I'm Totomaru of the Great Flame" Totomaru said.

"Really, means you can control any fire interesting, well I'm Natsu 'The Salamander' Son of Igneel the fire dragon" Natsu introduced with a head bow "Lets see who will win Totomaru the Great Flame or the Son of a Fire Dragon" he said.

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