Chapter 5

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Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy, Mira and Elfman boarded the train just in time. The group found a seat and The Train took off making Natsu still standing sigh with discomfort as he leaned against the Trains wall between the seat compartments and rubbed his head and pinch crease between his eyes.

Then he sat down in the seat next to Mira and Gray "You didn't seem effected by motion sickness" Elfman stated.

"Well I got over most of it, I still feel discomfort and get a bad headache" Natsu told him "as long as I am distracted by something" he told him.

"Ha thats a Man right there overcoming his weakness" Elfman said joyfully, standing up.

"what did I say about saving energy?, we need to save every drop of Energy especially since have a unexpected job to do" Natsu said.

"Your acting way different than 2 years ago" Erza cut in.

"You'd be surprised how much people can change in 2 years, just yourself and you start thinking differently about things" Natsu told her.

"Natsu?, Thinking" Lucy said whispered in shock as silent as she could under her breath, unfortunately she forgot Natsu had enhance senses as a dragon Slayer meaning he could hear the quietest pin drop on a floor.

"I can hear you and yes, as it comes at a shock I do think" Natsu said "I'm not completely stupid" he told her "and if you have something to say just say it in my face"

"Sorry" Lucy spoke up.

"Okay enough" Erza cut in "Lets focus on this job" she said.

"Which we know nothing about accept worth 40,000 jewels, it's kind of strange a job request came to us at the moment were about to go to war" Natsu frowned, then he got a far away look and his head snapped up.

"We need to go back now somethings wrong" Natsu stood up out of his seat with suddenly on edge.

"You've gone mad" Gray scowled as he pulled Natsu back down on his seat.

"I don't know, Natsu's Senses are twice as acute as much as his magic powers" Happy spoke up "His new level of increased senses immediately lets him know of danger 1500 miles away, when he turns them on to the max" he explained.

"I think this mission is a trap" Natsu frowned "and I think it has something to do where were headed" he stated looking at the train floor.

"I think his motion sickness is back, he's getting jumpy" Gray spoke.

Natsu gave him a hard glare "I remained on high alert for this job the moment I got on this train and as soon we got closer where the job is, I've been getting nothing but warnings" he snapped.

"Okay everyone calm down" Erza said "Don't make me separate you two" she threatened "If what Natsu says is true when we arrive be on high alert" she advised everyone.

The Train dropped them off at the start of a town, Natsu scanned each building and alleys as he went by.

"Sniff sniff" Natsu sniffed the air "the deeper we get the more my hair stands up" he stated making the group face fault.

"Your hair is sticking up, in spikes like it has always been" Erza sighed.

"GRAGGHRA!" Natsu's stomach growled loud again.

"Thats probably why he's edgy he's getting low blood sugar" Lucy spoke up, just then Natsu who was walking in front stopped all of a sudden making Erza, Gray, Lucy bump into each other with Erza slamming into his back with Lucy running into Erza and Gray running into Lucy smushing Lucy between the two, Natsu didn't even budge.

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