😁Happy surprise🎉

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When we got onto the boat the sight was even more beautiful than expected. On the section where the party was there was a pool right in the middle and two bars. One near the pool and another on the top deck.

"Alcohol" Chloe cheers running to the bar.

"I better go after her before I have to bond her out of jail again" I say while trotting after her.

"Two vodka soda's please"

The bartender gives her the drinks and she slides me one.

"What happened to the girl you were talking to"

"It didn't work" she says bluntly while downing her drink

"Woah slow down you might choke"

"Your just mad you can't go faster than me"

"Oh really now" I say drinking mine in two big gulps

"Can I get two rows of shots please"
The lady looks at us weird but brings us our drinks.

"On the count of three first person who finishes gets there room cleaned by the other for a week"


We both take the shots and I look over at Chloe. By the grace of God my last shot hits the table a second before hers does.

"I have some laundry that needs cleaning and make sure you color code my socks thank you"

We both get up and head towards the others who seem to be playing b.s .

I turn around from the seat and turn around then bump straight into some chick with pink hair.

"What the fuck who do you think you are" she half yells half cry's to me while and then pours her drink all down my hair.

You may not know this about me but I strongly dislike whiney bitches. Normally I would just apologize and walk off but the alcohol was getting to me so instead I decided to punch her square in the jaw before grabbing a random drink off of the bar and pouring it right back on her.

"The names Primrose nice to meet you" I tell her before walking over to my group trying my absolute hardest to control my anger.

"What was that Prim" Anaya yells at me

"That was an annoying whiny bitch" 

She gives me a death stare that makes me feel a little bad so I sit down and stay quiet.


Not gonna lie besides the random pink haired chick the rest of the party was pretty boring all we did was drink and play cards a bit.

"What prim"
"Can we PLEASE leave now"
"What's stopping you"
"You and berlin"

I point at them two who have been just staring at eachother for the past thirty minutes not everyone else leave without them.

"Like you really dont have to rub it in that your in love" chloe agrees with me.

Anaya rolls her eyes and starts walking towards the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Me and berlin hug and we all pile up in the car.

"I think I'm gonna puke" Marsh yells

"Not in the CaRr" Anaya yells back

"Pshh light weight" I tell her

We make it home just in time and Marsha pukes in the grass JUST BARELY missing my shoes.

"Hm" I follow Anayas eyes to the front door....it's open and my parents are no idiots.

"Watch your back" I tell them grabbing a bat from in the trunk

Gotta be safe

"Sofia Maria De'Santis where are you"

Then faintly from upstairs I hear my mom coughing.

Shit shit shit

"Mamma?" (Mom) I whisper in italian

"Who else would it be" I walk over to her pale body against the wall there's blood everywhere.

"what happened" I ask trying to make an attemt to help her thought she just swats me away.

"I got shot now take this and andaresene prima che tornino"(leave before they come back) she hands me a key and some files before reloading her gun.

Blinking back tears I stand up ready to leave

"But what about you mamma"

"Call me Sofia and stop being an emotional pussy leave before I shoot you myself"

As you can probably see my mom it's really the most affectionate or ... nice person in the world.

Shes probably right though so I grab my bag and run to back outside where I left the girls.

"Let's go"

"Is everything alright"Anaya asks

"I'll tell you in the car now let's fucking leave unless you wanna die" I say rather harshly

"In that case I'll stay"Chloe responds. Anaya Yanks her along with us throwing her in the car before getting in herself.

So much for a relaxer.

Hi.......How's life?

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