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Kelechi's POV

"Elissa hold on na!" I shouted from the hostel.

"Walk faster!" She yelled back. 

Today was Tuesday and breakfast was cereal, and I'm sure she's just rushing to get Oatmeal first because she hates Nasco cornflakes

"What kind of friend are you?" I harshly tapped her panting after running to her

"Why are you panting so heavily, the distance isn't much," She asked but I didn't answer

We walked into the dining hall and walked past Dayo and Miguel flirting with some SS1 girls. I looked at Elissa and she looked hurt. They both wanted each other but they both had a huge ego. Dayo would continue to be the flirt he is to every girl and Elissa would be the boy magnet she is and they'd both be hurting inside. I've tried persuading Elissa to talk to him but it has been a waste of time, whatever Dayo did was pretty messed up because I've never seen Elissa like this.

"Do you still talk to Dayo?" I blurted

"No," She said bluntly "I'm going to get my food," she said leaving me at the table

"You like Nasco abi?" Tani said getting to the table and putting her bag behind her chair

"No, I'm on my way to the line. Where's Kamara?" I asked

"She ditched me for Kene, as long as I get oatmeal, I'm okay," She said before leaving

Almost immediately Kene and Kamara walked into the dining hall, they were laughing together. Watching them from afar I knew that someone was catching feelings for the other, and they actually looked good as a couple but I can't say that out loud because Kamara would kill me. 

SS2, what do you have planned for us? I said to myself before joining the line.

Inem's POV

"Elder sisters are so disgusting,"  Kelechi said walking into the class and moving straight to her desk

"What happened?" I asked

"Nneka told me to get everyone's names in a paper and bring it to her class, I forgot. Today she called me and said that I have to get her WAEC past questions from the computer teacher because she wouldn't be available and it's also a warning for me to never disobey her" She said before making a very loud hiss sound, then tearing a piece of paper from her jotter and dropping it on Temi, one of our classmate's table.

"Abeg you guys should please write down your names on the paper Temi'll pass down thank you!" She yelled to the class

"Kelechi can I ask you something?" I asked once she had  calmed down


"Okay, for instance, you have some information concerning one of your close friends but you're not sure if it's true or not, they need to know about it but it'll hurt them if they found out. What do you do?" I said

"Don't say anything" She said almost immediately

"Um... Kelechi did you not hear what I just said, she needs to know about it like it's essential."I said

"You also said that you don't know if the info is true or not, since she's your close friend just don't say anything, it might be wrong anyway. If it's going to hurt her imagine how she's going to feel when she finds out it's fake. If I were you I wouldn't say anything" She said

"I never said it was me," I said

"Okay, if I were whoever it was I wouldn't say anything" She corrected

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