Chapter 21

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Michael's POV

The dark empty side road was easy to drive through this late at night. (Y/n) was still sleeping on the passenger's side seat as I drove through the dark forest. I had to go and hunt before we had a... date. Was this something that normal people did? Went on a date together. What were they even for? I remember that Judith went on a couple of dates with Danny but that was it. I was never interested into something like that but now (Y/n) wants that.

I stop the car in the middle of the dark forest. I knew that there were a couple of cabins somewhere over here and by the time anyone noticed that the people that were living in them never came back, I would have killed people somewhere else. That hunter must have come from one of those because he was that deep in the forest int the middle of the night. But that meant that I wasn't the only one hunting during night.

I turn to look at sleeping (Y/n). She seemed to be in a deep sleep so I would have to leave her here for a while. I would go and kill someone and she would sleep here peacefully when I'm gone. I get out of the car silently and close the door behind me. I look through the window to see that she was still sleeping but she moved hear head in more comfortable position. She was the one that wanted to go but now she was sleeping like a baby. For safety reasons, I lock the car door from outside. I didn't want someone to touch something that was mine.

I start to make my way towards the forest. It was a cold night but it was pleasant. The thrill of the hunt and the voices made my blood flow through my veins. The need for killing was getting stronger and stronger by every step I took forward. The whole forest was silent but the only thing that cut the silence was my heavy breathing and footsteps. I liked how silent everything was around me but I missed (Y/n) little as I walked farther away from her.

I stop by one cabin that had the lights on. Perfect! I walk over to it and look through the window. There were an older couple watching TV together. I stalk them for a while. I usually wanted my victims to be younger but I wasn't going to complain about this. I walk over to the cabins door and try it. It was locked so I had to find another way in. Older people usually were little more cautious so this wasn't something I wasn't used to.

I walk closely to the cabins wall to keep my cover. I find a back door which was also locked. I slide the knife towards the lock and push it down. The door clicks and opens without any problems. I get inside the warm cabin and walk over to the living room where the old couple was. I look at them for a while with my head tilted to the side. They were leaning against each other as they were looking at some soap opera.

"Would you want to have a cup of tea darling?" The old woman suddenly asked which caught my attention. The man hummed happily and gave the woman a kiss to the cheek. "Of course! Thank you so much!" The man said as the woman got up and started to walk towards the other room away from me. This was a moment to kill the old man since he seemed to be so vulnerable. This was going to go quick and I would be back with (Y/n) in no time.


I slowly and quietly walk towards the man. His eyes were clued on to the TV as I stopped behind him while the voices were screaming at me. He hummed once in a while but when I hear the whistling of the tea kettle, I strike. I stab him on his chest which makes him cry out with a sharp little noise. He turns to look at me with wide horrified eyes. I slice the knife upwards in his gut which makes his eyes roll in his sockets. He goes limp when I pull the knife out of his chest.

"Are you okay Richard?" I hear the old woman ask from the kitchen. The woman walks over to the doorway with a tray in her hand that had a teapot and two cups. When she sees me she gasped and dropped the tray to the floor. There were hot water and sugar on the floor as I stand up straight in front of the old woman. "W-Who are you?!" She yelled at me as I started to walk towards her. She gasped and started to back away from me.

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