4. A Long Time

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Author's Note! : I have nothing much to say, but I think I have to clear some things. When I read this story as a reader, I thought you guys might have some questions about Harry's and Draco's "relationship". I will tell ya one thing ; Draco does play somewhat a major role in this story, especially since he is Sev's godson. And, when I wrote last chapter, I forgot to keep in mind that this is their 8th year T_T. Forgive me! As you may have noticed, I have made some changes in the last chapter. There are a few memories about how Harry and Draco came to a truce. So, If you didn't read it, please check it out.

I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^


Harry stumbled a few steps backwards and stared at Snape.

A heart attack? He was too young for it!

But, were you ever young, Harry? An inner voice asked him. Harry pondered over the question. Was he ever young? Were everything he had gone through what normal children had? No, the same voice replied.

"That's not the only thing, Potter."

Snape said, cutting all the other voices in Harry's mind.

"What?" He asked, dumbstruck.

It's not over?

"You.. ahem... In order to save your life, your magic did something; like it does during times of emergency. It decreased quite significantly than your normal level of magic. Which means you should take rest. You shouldn't do anything - anything at all."

" What do you mean 'anything'? "

Snape glared at Harry and he quickly added,

" Sir."

"Well, mainly, you should not attend classes which will require magic. It needs time to replenish itself. In the most minor cases, it usually takes around 2 to 3 months. But since you lose quite a large amount of your magic, it might take a whole year."

"A whole year ?"

"Yes, a whole year, Potter. But, I am not a medi-wizard; I will inform the Headmistress about you and she will decide what's best for you."

Harry gulped. He thought at least this year will go with no problems. Magic declination. Wonderful.

"You may go now. I hope you know your way back?"

"Yes sir."

Harry turned to leave. Just as he placed his hand in the door knob, Harry said without turning,

"Thank you sir for helping me. G'night."

And he slipped from the room, leaving an entirely frozen Snape behind.


"Whizzing Frisbees?"


"Lemon drops?"


"Chocolate frog?"


"Um...Brave Gryffindor?"




"Liquorice wands?"


"No password, no entry."

The Fat Lady chimed, as Harry sighed. He was standing in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, guessing everything that came to his mind. It was indeed foolish of him, he should've asked Hermione the password. Now he has to spend the night at the foot of Gryffindor portrait.


"Mr. Potter?"

Harry turned around to see
Kevin Lockhart with a confused expression on his face.

"Oh, hello sir."

"You are out of curfew,"

It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"Er, I was in Professor Snape's -"

Should I say his rooms? No, he'll get the wrong idea.

"- office, Sir."


"No sir. Ermm, I had a doubt about Potions, you know,"

He ended awkwardly, even though he was surprised that a lie rolled off his tongue quite easily.

"I see.. But, aren't you going to bed?"

"I don't know the password sir,"

This time, he turned as red as Ron's hair. Lockhart laughed lightly and walked towards him.

"The password is domus unitatis. You ought to not forget it,"

He said and stepped back.

"Very well said."

The Fat Lady huffed and opened in order to show the hole which lead to the Gryffindor common rooms. Harry stood there, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and turned to Lockhart.

"Thanks sir."

"Not a problem Mr. Potter. Good night,"

" 'night sir,"

Harry climbed the hole and went straight to his dorms, not caring whether there were anyone in the common room. He was tired and sleepy; his legs felt like lead. After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Harry settled for the night, tired enough to not paying attention to the tawny owl that kept beating it's wings at the window glass.


A/N : Chapter 4 completed! Yup, my exams are over ( got 98% in Biology lol :O ) and I'm back! I know this is a short chapter I'm sowwy, but, I'll try to update looooong chapters ASAP.

And, about the password, domus unitatis (Latin) means house unity. I thought, after all, since the Final Battle is over, every house must've probably chose a "house unity" themed password, but of different languages. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Reviews and suggestions are more than welcome ^_^

Till the next time we meet, peace ✌🏼! ^o^

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