Chap 13: Surprise!

Start from the beginning

"So, did you text Mani?" I asked her.

"Yep, she says she set everything up. She invited your coworkers from the diner, some of her other friends that she's dying for you to meet and I invited a few people myself." Lauren explained.

"Dani likes meeting new people, even if she doesn't seem like it. I hope she likes it." I said. Lauren stood in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"She's gonna love it, trust me." She said, half smiling.

"Damn Chi. Am I missing something? You got Mani, now you want Lauren too?" Dani said, standing in the doorway. Lauren and I moved away from each other and chuckled.

"So uhm, It, huh? Looks good." Lauren said to Dani.

" Lauren said to Dani

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"Thanks. You two know that I know right?" She said. Lauren and I looked at each other with shock on our faces.

"You... know?" I asked her.

"Yeah. We're getting all dressed up for a party, right? And the only person who I don't see here is Normani. So it must be for her." Dani said. I let out a sigh of relief then smiled at her.

"Yeah. We're going to pick her up next. You two ready?" Lauren asked.

"Let's go!" Dani said, turning on her heels and leaving the room.

"I thought she foreal knew for a minute there." Lauren said.

"Same here. Dan is smart, but, baby's a little gullible." I said.

"Adorable. Let's go." Lauren said, patting my back as we left my room.
I pulled up to the mansion Mani had rented for Dani's party.

"Is it a surprise party?" Dani asked.

"Sure is. Let's go." I said, turning the car off and unbuckling my seatbelt. We all got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk. Lauren opened the door and pushed Dani inside gently.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled, popping confetti bottles and throwing glitter everywhere. A big sign that said "Happy Birthday Dani!" was hanging over the refreshment table. Dani turned and looked at us with shock on her face and tears in her eyes. She hugged Lauren and I together, then shook her head.

"You two... you... You said it was for Mani." She said.

"Yeah, well Mani went to Ontario and partied for her birthday. But you never got to have that party you told me about." Lauren said.

"Thank you. Both of you." Dani said.

"No no no. I only take credit for the sister Layla part. The rest was China's idea." Lauren said, winking at me. Dani gave my hand a squeeze then turned around, going to the refreshment table, shaking hands with people she didn't know.

"Hey, there goes your friend from the diner. I'm gonna go find Mani and let her know you're here." Lauren said, slapping my shoulder lightly and walking passed. I walked up to Dinah and she smiled at me, giving me a hug.

"Nice outfit. Catwoman right?" I asked.

"Yep. And I saw your girl. I know it's Dani's party, but she wins the costume contest." Dinah said, drinking from a Hennessy bottle.

"I haven't seen her yet." I said.

"Well here she comes. I'm gonna go say happy birthday to Dan. You look cute, Chi." She smiled at me and walked passed. I turned around and Normani smiled at me, grabbing my hands. She looked... amazing.

She was Akasha from Queen of the Damned

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She was Akasha from Queen of the Damned.

"You look perfect. You went all out with this one." I said. She grabbed my hand and took me outside to the pool area, where only a few people were lurking about, talking. We sat down near the edge of the pool. There was a cool, steady breeze blowing, making the pool wave and ripple. I skimmed my hand across the water, watching my reflection dance. Mani tapped me and I turned and looked at her. She gave me her phone and I grabbed it.

I had a conversation with my dad. It got intense. I haven't spoken to him since then. I'm thinking about not taking over the company. It's tiring me out. THEY are. I can't keep dealing with them meddling in my love life. I wanna love who I wanna love.

"Do you love me, Normani?" I asked her. I saw her face go red and it gave me the answer I needed.

"How, Mani? We haven't even known each other a month." I said. She took her phone from me and typed something quickly. I waited for her to finish and she handed it back.

When I first saw you, you looked at me like... like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm around you. It doesn't matter how long I've known you. I'm not asking you to marry me Chi, just to... be mine.

I put the phone down and set it next to her. I leaned in and grabbed her face, bringing it closer to mine.

"Of course I'll be yours, Mani." I whispered on her lips. She closed the gap between us and kissed me, sending a chill down my spine. I heard footsteps behind us and as soon as I know it, I'm under water, gasping for air. I came up from beneath the water and looked around to find Dani standing there, laughing so hard her face was red.

"Dani! Ima beat yo ass! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled, looking at my wig floating down the pool. I heard a giggle and looked at Mani, who honestly looked sexy, her hair and her body all wet.

"HEY EVERYBODY! LAST ONE IN THE POOL IS A BITCH!" Dani yelled. Hooping and hollering was heard from indoors and then people began to run from the house and jump in the pool, splashing me and Mani.

"WOOOOOO!" Lauren yelled, picking Dani up bridal style and throwing her in the pool before jumping in herself. Everyone started splashing each other and doing flips into the pool. I turned and looked at Mani and grabbed her by her waist, then pulled her in for another kiss.

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