lust and hunger- chapter 5

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You wake up and see Aaron still sleeping. "Hey wake up. We have to leave in an hour" you said lightly shaking him. You try to get out of bed but your legs still hurt like a bitch from last night. You eventually get up and go to the bathroom. You change into your work clothes, lightly curl your hair, brush your hair, and slap on makeup. 

You walk out of the bathroom and see Hotch sitting up in bed. "Good morning" he says giving you a kiss. "You look hot" he says as his eyes looks you up and down. You laugh and draw him in for a hug. You notice a few hickeys on his neck but you brush it off as he says, "Well, I should probably go back to my room for a while so I can get ready." You make a sad face. "Aw don't look at me like that" he says as he gives you a kiss on the forehead. He walks out of your room and leaves you, alone. Your mind goes back to last night. You smile as you think about his arms wrapped around you. Oh God it's gonna be a long day. You think as you notice more hickeys on your neck. They were bigger and darker. 

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You're walking down to the lobby as you feel the pain in your legs. You meet the rest of the team in the lobby. "Good morning" you say, cheerily. "Someone's in a good mood" Derek says, with a small laugh. "Very funny" you say, sitting down. "Why are you sitting down? You were just laying down for 8 hours" JJ says. "Oh my legs hurt" Shit I probably shouldn't have said that. You think as you feel your friends staring at you. "Why do your legs hurt?" Em asks giving you that look. "No reason. Hey does anyone want to get something to eat?" you ask quickly changing the subject. 

After you all finished breakfast, you made your way to the precinct. Hotch stood up and talked to the group more about the UnSub. You could only think about him and what happened last night. You found yourself staring and biting your lip. He looked at you for a brief second but then looked away. "Okay. We still have evidence to believe that the UnSub took another victim, so let's not get distracted" He looked at you as he said the last part. Everyone cleared out of the room and Morgan's phone rang.

"Talk to me, Hot Stuff" he said to Garicia. "Also, you're on speaker phone" he said as he set his flip phone on the table. Everyone gathered around and waited for her to talk. 

"Hi loves. So I was up last night and I decided to look into this case more. I was looking at all sexual assault complaints from over the last 2 years and one person's name kept coming up. 'Anthony Gilbert'" she said. "He was convicted of attempted rape 5 times but they brushed it off because there was no proof" she continued. "He fits the profile; he lives in a quiet neighborhood, he's 41, he's friendly, and he keeps to himself" 

"Thanks, baby-girl" Morgan said as he hung up the phone. We all looked at each other. "Is this our UnSub?" Rossi asked. "We have reason to hold him, even if it's for 48 hours." you added. "Y/N's right, we have solid grounds to hold him here for a while" Prentiss said. 

"Morgan call Garcia and ask her for his address" Hotch said. "Hey baby-girl" Morgan said. "What can I do for you my love?" she asked "I need you to give me Anthony Gilbert's address " Morgan said. "Of course, hot stuff." We all laughed as she said this. It was always entertaining to hear Morgan and Garcia flirt with each other. "His address is... 6 Grinwood Ave, Tomprire LA                   (i totally just made that up oops-) "Thanks baby" he said as he hung up the phone. "Let's get him" Hotch said. 

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You pulled up to the house. You put on your FBI vest and took out your gun. "Hey be careful" Hotch said. You nodded, and you Morgan went around the front. Prentiss and Hotch went around to the back of the house. "You ready?" Morgan asked. You nodded and took a deep breath. "1, 2, 3" you said and you kicked down the door. "FBI!" you yelled as you and Morgan stormed through the front door. You carefully checked every room and said, "clear." "It's clear here, Hotch" Morgan said over the comms. "Wait do you hear that?" You heard a gush of wind that sounded like it was coming from inside the wall. "Yeah I hear it" Morgan said. You two went by the wall and heart groaning. "Secret room" you both said. "Come on, come on where are you?" you asked as you looked for a way in. "Y/L/N come here" Morgan said. You went where he was and saw a small button on the side of the wall. You pushed it and the door opened. "I'll go first." you said. "Okay." "Wait. Tell Hotch and Prentiss we're going in incase anything happens" he nodded and told them where you guys were.

As you stepped into the hallway behind the door, it closed. "Morgan! Morgan!" you yelled as you pounded. "It won't open. The door's jammed" he said, panicking. "Okay. I'm gonna go, make sure Hotch and Em know that I'm here" you said. Ok don't panic don't panic. You have a gun incase anything goes wrong. You thought as you made your way down the dark hallway. You heard the groans coming from a room down the hall. You took a deep breath and said "Anthony Gilbert I'm with the FBI! Drop any weapon you have and get on the ground!" You stormed in the room but you didn't see him.  You looked over and saw a girl tied to the bed. She had her bra and underwear on. "Oh my gosh" you said as you ran to her. You untied her and put a blanket you found in the corner of the room around her. All of a sudden, you felt something strike the back of your head. You held your hand up to your head and felt your warm blood. You looked behind you and saw a man. Before anything else happened, you fell to the ground and passed out. 



oooh what's gonna happen next? i really enjoyed writing this chapter. i hope y'all like it too. happy reading love ya <3

- k :)

lust and hunger | aaron hotchner  [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora