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We drove and drove. I decided to make a video so me and Kian can do a meet & greet!

"Hey guys! Me and Kian Lawley will be at VidCon and we're doing a meet and greet! Come everyone! Okay! Bye!!"

We arrived. a man walked up to the window. "VidCon is not open. It is in Hollywood.
July 9-12.

I can't believe it. Kian. Lied. I knew it. He was never my perfect boy.

I quickly drove home and texted Kian.

"You betrayed me. You were never my perfect guy."

All the makeup and hair and waking up early was never worth it. I lied to myself.
I got a text back. "Will it make you feel better if I bring you on the tour bus to Hollywood?" "Nothing will make me feel better that includes you."

Without ever seeing him. I could tell he has a pretty disappointed face on. By his videos, he was never emotional very much.

Alaina and Addison sat next to me and they could see strokes of mascara and eye liner lining down my eyes.

"Get over Kian! Delete the contact." "Alaina. That won't help. Please leave alone right know. Please."

They walked out the room.

I got tweets. "ANDREA. YOU LIAR. YALL ARENT HAVING A MEET AND GREET!!" "Andrea, you made me drive 4 hours to see you. I missed my cousins sweet 16. Thanks a lot."

This was breaking me down and Allison saw it and she has Anxiety. She panicked. We calmed her down though.

I cried more and more as hate gained. I had decided something. Some bad news.

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