Chapter 6

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{Aliyah's POV}
"—iyah? Aliyah? ALIYAH!"

I jumped up immediately already in position to fight. (Strong, wide open stance). I frantically looked around for the danger. Huh? W-what's going on? I heard snickering behind me.

"Oi! What's the matter with you two, eh?" I yelled at Jinora and Kai.

"We're home and we needed to wake you." Jinora responded calmly. She turned to the side and pointed to at Kai. "This was his idea."

"Wah! Jinora! I can't believe you sold me out!" He a turned to me. "P-please don't kill me!" He begged

I sighed. They're going to be the death of me. I looked out the window, we were so close to home. At this time Indri jumped into my shoulder. I pet her under the chin and fed her some berries. Soon Jinora and Kai stood next to me on each side.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

{Aliyah's POV}
We were  on the bay, all of us exiting the ship. Jinora reunited with her siblings and mother. The other airbenders began to let loose a bit, especially Kai. I looked off to the side, looking at my mother. Knowing her she was probably already creating contingency plans. I just wish she would take time and enjoy this, being back home.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I heard. I recognized the voice. It was Opal!

I ran down and launched myself at her. I hugged her and she spun me around a bit. She set me down after a bit. I took a step back, normally she would be with her mom.

"Wait, wait, wait. Why are you here, not that I want you to go." I asked

"Well....." She trailed off. She brought her hands together and pushed it out. A massive force of wind pushed me back. I would've fallen if I didn't put a rock wall behind me.

"Woah..." I said breathlessly.

Tenzin then regrouped the airbenders, telling them training starts tomorrow.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

{Aliyah's POV}

It's the next day and I was getting ready. I opened my closet to see... To see that all my clothes have been replaced. I was too tired to deal with Opal, and I suspect Jinora as well. At least they left my scarf. Getting dressed [With the image above]. Indri jumped onto my head and I walked out to garden. I managed to grab a few fruits and tie my scarf.

"Hey! Where are you going." I heard a voice yell behind me.

"To the place!"

After running for a bit I found myself back at the small secluded area. I looked down at the pond. I'm weak. I have to get stronger. I can't be weak, I couldn't keep Kai and Jinora safe. Stop thinking like that. I took a deep breath and looked at my hands before closing them into a fist.
Indri began snuggling my neck.

"Guess I have to go back, Huh? But doesn't this remind you of the first time we met." I said to Indri.

She just chirped and waved her arms. I continued walking until I reach the training area. It changed a lot, like mint condition change.

"Aliyah, I see that you're ready. Once the airbenders get here I'll need you're help so stay close." Tenzin told me.


~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

"As airbenders you need to be quick and agile. I'll need you to use your airbending to cross the pillars to the other side." Tenzin stated, he continued "Aliyah here is going to raise and lower pillars, while you try to cross."

I got into bending position and began.

Many of them were falling into the mud below, the few of them them that made it passed the first part would fail at the second area

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Many of them were falling into the mud below, the few of them them that made it passed the first part would fail at the second area. Tenzin just sighed.

"No! Not like that! Again." He yelled

After hours of this grueling process everyone was tired, me included. Tenzin told us to take a break. I decided along with Jinora to check out the baby air-bisons. Kai tagged along with us. They were adorable. I was being snuggled by two bisons and I was loving it. (Even though I was being slightly suffocated.)

"Pff-ft. Jinora look at Aliyah. She's being smuggled by cuteness." Kai chuckled out

"I know, animals seemed to love her and she loves them. Even though they have constricting elements she gets along with air-bending animals especially well." Jinora said while snuggling a bison.

Everything was fine for a while, until I sensed somethings, or should I say someone's. I got into bending position putting the bisons behind me. Kai and Jinora seemed to not notice, until they heard an engine reving.

"What's that sound?" Kai asked while getting ready to fight.

"I don't know, how about you Aliyah?" Jinora asked

"I sense a group probably poachers. Stay in guard they seemed to be numerous and armed." I stated walking around in circles.

That's when we heard, "Lookie here, these ought to get us a a nice price. Bag them! Bag them all!" A guy said while pointing to the baby bisons.

Not on my watch. Pillars began launching from the earth at them. I created small walls between them and the bisons. Kai and Jinora were fending off pretty well until they did a dirty trick and hit her from behind.

"No!" I yelled. I shifted the earth to bring Jinora and Kai to a safer area. However I let my guard down and they took the bison. I also felt something hard hit my back and I began to fall down. Everything turned dark again.

I made an extra long chapter, hope you like it. Also Aliyah's scarf is tied around her waist as shown in the picture above. She has metal bracelets on both of her arms in which she can bend.
                 ~Author-chan out, ✌️

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