Thirty Five

703 299 37

Feranmi woke up along with everyone else and took her bath. She wore her complete uniform and combat boots.

She looked around with a calm face and after series of procedures; the assessment started and there were just eight agents taking the assessment.

Other agents looker on with excitement at the assessment. The first assessment was from the Weaponry Department. Under the WD was Archery and Shooting.

Feranmi was after PH and she was also the last person. PH turned to her.

"Ya!" She called and Feranmi turned to her calmly.

"What?" Feranmi asked.

"Are you nervous?" PH asked and Feranmi shrugged.

"Not really" she replied and PH smiled and sighed.

"I am" PH said and Feranmi shrugged.

Feranmi checked the gun nonchantly as it got to her turn. Everyone's eyes were on her and they watched as Feranmi fired the gun.




Three shots and an announcement rang out.

Peferct score

10 points.

10 points. 

10 points.

Everyone started clapping as Feranmi moved to the sniper. She slowly brought the gun to her chin level as she looked at the object she was to shoot.

Her eyes lowered as she released the trigger. The object fell and everyone clapped shocked and surprised.

Moon pouted at Feranmi "You are so good" she said and Feranmi chuckled.

The assessment continued with Feranmi calming excelling through each segment. She was breaking records and everyone couldn't help but marvel at her skills.

The close combat section required for them to pass through the room without getting shot for five minutes. All the guys barely lasted two minutes before getting shot

Moon and PH lasted a little over three minutes while Mimi lasted three minutes. Blue didn't use up to two minutes, she was never a combat person.

Feranmi was the only one who lasted 7 minutes and 56 seconds before getting shot. Before couldn't help but clap again.

The last segment was the direct combat. Each agent could pick another agent of their choice to fight against.

Moon picked London, Mimi picked John, Blue picked Frost and PH picked Feranmi shockingly. Only if Feranmi could beat PH would she able to fight with someone else.

And of course, London, Creek and Frost won while everyone looked forward to PH and Feranmi's fight.

They both started fighting and everyone soon noticed that PH could hold her own but not for too long. After few minutes, Feranmi sent PH to the floor and everyone clapped.

Feranmi turned to see a guy wearing a white mask beside Seth. He seemed to be looking straight at her and Feranmi raised her eyebrow.

"I challenge Captain LoneWolf" Feranmi said and everyone went silent as they turned to the guy with the mask.

To say he looked attractive in his uniform would be an understatement. Feranmi was seeing him for the first time and she couldn't pull her eyes off him.

He stood at her front and folded his hands behind his back.

"I'll allow you attack three times" He said, his voice coming out low and dangerous. Feranmi could feel her hair standing.

She moved backwards and sent a palm towards him. He stuck out a finger and sent her back. Feranmi's expression changed as she looked at him in horror.

He used a finger to withhold her palm?

Feranmi geared up again and shot out against him and it was the same. He sent her back with a finger.

"Its your last chance, use it well" he said and Feranmi released a sigh. She calmed down as she shot towards him again.

Just as he struck out his finger to block her; Feranmi withdrew her hand and shot out her leg. Her face contorted in horror as he moved backwards slightly dodging her leg.

He then grabbed it and flung her away without mercy. Feranmi hit the floor and spat out a little blood. She turned to Captain Lone Wolf who gazed back at her through his mask.

"Even if your opponent has seen through your moves, you should be ready to give them surprises. That's today's lesson" he said as he turned and started walking away.

Feranmi watched as Captain Lone Wolf and Seth conversed. Captain Lone Wolf seemed to be telling Seth something and Feranmi froze as she watched Seth's lips curl up very slightly.

"Agent 14 bah?" Captain Lone Wolf said and Feranmi saluted.

"Take my today's lesson seriously" he said and Feranmi nodded.

"I will" Feranmi said and he nodded.

"The results are out" Maria nodded as she tapped on the big screen that showed Feranmi's result.

She had As' in every department except Programming breaking a lot of records.

"What department did you choose?" Captain Lone Wolf asked.

"Field, Direct Combat" Feranmi replied and Captain Lone Wolf nodded.

"Suits you though" he said as he turned to Seth.

"This place is boring" He said and Seth folded his hands.

"You leaving already?" He asked and Captain Lone wolf shook his head.

"Nope, I'm going to see Farouq, something big is going to happen soon" He said as he waved and walked out.

"What did he mean by something big is going to happen soon?" Neon asked with a serious face.

Seth slipped his hands into his pockets as he stared into space "Who knows?" Seth replied and everyone exchanged glances with each other.

"Get ready for your first mission" Dotun said and Feranmi nodded.

"Are you okay?" Neon asked and Feranmi nodded.

"You don't look okay" Lee said and Feranmi looked around her face expressionless. She then broke into a smile and grinned.

"How was it? Did I look like Captain Pentecost?" Feranmi asked as everyone looked at her in shock.

"You were trying to be like Captain Pentecost?" Joker asked looking at Feranmi with you-are-definitely-crazy look.

"Yeah. Did I look like him?" Feranmi asked as they burst into laughter.

"You are crazy" Joker said while Neon laughed heartily. Seth closed the door soundlessly as he stepped out of the room.

He rubbed his forehead as he walked down the corridor. She was crazy, really crazy. After wondering what must have happened to her all day; she was trying to act like him?

Seth found it funny and cute but he wouldn't say it or show it.

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