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Avery's POV

The way he had held me like my life meant everything to him affected me so much. Here I was, average girl from some city unheard of, hanging out with the man millions of girls would literally kill to spend quality time with.

At least I was appreciating him now. Hell, maybe I was doing more than that. What came after appreciating?

With countless thoughts roaming through my mind, I got up out of bed and joined Harry by the nightstand. He was adjusting his hoodie, so I mimicked his actions and messed with mine.

"Sleep well?" Harry asked me, and he sounded like he was feeling much better. Earlier he seemed drain of energy and motivation. The thought that he was on the verge of giving up had ran through my mind way too many times.

"I guess." I murmured, despite the fact I hadn't slept at all.

Harry slowly turned around to face me, and then a smirk played upon his lips. I offered a challenging smile, but still he didn't falter for a moment.


My smile turned into a small frown.

"I said, 'I guess'." I repeated, adding more diction to my words. Harrys brow unwrinkled and he flashed me a knowing look.

"You didn't sleep, did you?"

I was shocked to say the least, but I tried my hardest not to show it. With my body rested against the wall, I glared deep into Harry's olive green eyes. They were pretty.

"Um, no." I said sharply when I snapped from my thoughts. Harry just chuckled and turned the light off. We were engulfed in darkness.

My heart was beating out of my chest by then. Was this the end of the line for me? Had Harry taken me all the way through the competition and finally decided it would be best to do away with me?

It was very likely, and I didn't like those odds.

"Harry?" I called into the blind dark. I sounded very weak and frail, but that was the last thing on my mind considering that we were in the dark.

But I didn't get an answer. All I could hear was the sound of clothes rustling and someone moving around. I was getting more and more desperate to get out of there. Something told me that something bad was about to happen.

And finally, a miracle.

No, not a miracle. Light.

Harry stood there, staring at me with a dumbfounded expression. It was almost like he knew what kinds of dark thoughts were going through my mind, and he was highly questioning them.


Something compelled me to take exactly three steps closer to him, and I did just that. Our faces were arm length away from each other, but still I could feel his warm breath fanning my face. I let out a breath that I didn't even release I was holding in, and Harry walked three steps closer.

Three big steps.

Now we were basically finger length apart. The tensity was in the air-- literally and figuratively. With the desire for something unknown building up inside of me (and something told me Harry was feeling the same exact way), mixed with our breaths mixing in the air before hitting one another's faces, there was a unsettling feeling between us. I could feel it.

"Haz." I returned the trend that I hadn't before noticed we were following, and took half a step closer.

His lips were brushing against mine.

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