twenty seven.

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Avery's POV

Thanks to the sponsors of the game show, I took a train home. It had its own kitchens and bedrooms, and it was like a movie house. But sadly, it just didn't feel like home. You'd understand why I said this, right? I had just started to think that maybe things between Harry and I would go right. And he died on me. How could he? No, how could Jonah?

It seemed like the days leading up to my arrival back in Louisville were filled only with empty tears and endless misery. I wanted Harry back. I wanted him to stay.

I just couldn't go back in time and make him.

After about three days, the train stopped at small station just off of Dixie Highway. Lucky for me, I lived right around there. On my way off, one of the attendants grabbed my arm. I bet she was scared when she saw my mascara streaked face. I would've been, no doubt.

"All the losers' possessions will be coming on the next train." she told me. I tried to listen, but all I heard was ringing. All my senses were shut off except for the ability to think about Harry.

"They are not losers, ma'am." I tried to sound polite, but my words probably sounded crazy. I was already a mess, but when someone called him a loser that crossed the thin line she was walking on the moment she grabbed my arm.

"Well, their stuff will be waiting for you down in the city hall. There you can sort out what you want and what you don't."

I shook my head in disgust. Who could possibly want more memories of the experience that will probably traumatized me for the rest of my life? I knew damn straight that I didn't want a memoir of my dead lover.

"I don't want shit, lady!" I screamed. Out of fury I used my other hand and slapped her wrinkly one away from my grip. She was shocked at first, but luckily she let me grab my purse and storm off the train.

"Make sure you come." I heard her say before I ran away from the train, and the station, and everything except for my problems. Actually, I was headed right for one. My home.

It took me about a ten minute run to get there. Somewhere in between, I had started to cry again. Memories of Harry's dimples smiling down at me and watching me run filled my mind. I had to sit down and catch my breath in fear of passing out.

I knocked on the door once, then twice, and a third time. I was expecting Carmen to answer the door and spit in my hair. Maybe my mom would open the door and give me a hug. I could've used anything to relieve the unbearable pain I was having to endure.

But no one answered.

I walked around to the back door, and knocked there. Still, no answer. They couldn't have been out, because the cars were all in the driveway. Something was going on.

"Mom?" I said, even though it was obvious no one could hear me. "Dad?"

As my last resort, I reached under the doormat and pulled out the spare key. After turning it in the doorknob and the door opening, I cautiously stepped inside. Right away I heard crying.

"Mom?" I said, louder this time. My sneakers made loud noises as I stormed through the room in search of anyone inside.

I found Mom, Dad, and Carmen crying in the living room. The television was on, and so was the fireplace. But my brother, Spencer, wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Hey...." I said slowly. They were all crying, now that I noticed. Carmen had makeup streaked down her face, and so did Mom. They both looked like me. "Where's Spencer?"

Mom looked up at me, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. That's when I knew something was horribly wrong.

She motioned for me to come over, but she couldn't even finish the motions before she broke into a sob. Dad hugged her tightly and it seemed to stop, but still she couldn't speak. I felt paralyzed. I didn't know what to do or think.

Luckily, Carmen finished for my mom.

"Avery, I think you need to sit down to hear this."

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