"Put her down," he snarled, his wand shaking in his hand, his mother paled visibly.

"Draco..." she whispered.

"Stupid boy, you couldn't kill Dumbledore on my orders and you expect me to take orders from you?"

"We all know you don't want her, Voldemort," said Harry coming forward to stand beside Draco. "We can duel again if you like, not sure if you'd want to considering I've survived every time we have."

I saw the Dark Lord's face contort in fury, his concentration lacked and I felt my body drop a couple of centimetres. 

"You think you can beat me? Without Albus Dumbledore?" he laughed shrilly. "Ok, I will put her down and we will duel, Harry."

And he dropped me, 12 feet from the ground. I smacked into the hardwood. Draco ran to me, pulling me to my feet.

"Everyone, get out of here! Now!" yelled Harry, just as the -  fuck it -  just as Voldemort sent a stream of green right at Harry. Harry sent a red jet right back, meeting the green. I looked up at Draco and reached for my wand. We couldn't leave Harry. He was holding onto his wand for dear life. I looked around at the rest and we all nodded, at the same time we all sent a jet of red at the green light. 8 streams of ruby light pushing against the green stream. Voldemort's face was furious, I could see him struggling to keep his wand steady. He was screaming. It took all my energy to keep my wand trained on the green jet but I forced myself to do it as though my life depended on it. I suppose it did, really. Suddenly the force was released and we all flew backwards, landing on each other. Voldemort was gone.

Gasping we climbed to our feet. What the hell had just happened? Harry looked at us all in disbelief. "I told you to all go."

"You've got the wrong people then, Harry," said Ginny, grinning at her boyfriend.

"We should get back to the fire, Harry," said Luna's misty voice from behind me. "McGonagall said it would only stay open so long."

Harry nodded and we all headed back into the living room.

"Narcissa," I said, looking to the shaken woman, "Hogwarts will take care of you."

She shook her head, glancing at her sister. "I cannot leave her. Take Draco. Keep him safe. Promise me."

I glanced into the room where the rest are, Harry gesturing at me, "One minute, Rose!"

"Promise me, Fiadh."

I nodded, "I promise." With a small smile I turned and ran to the fire, taking a handful of powder and saying "Hogwarts."

I soared through the green flames, tumbling out onto a cold hearth. Harry came quickly after me, falling on top of me. We awkwardly detangled ourselves and I looked up. We were in what appeared to be the Gryffindor common room. Red couches, deep red rugs and a lot of interested students in red pyjamas staring at us.

The rest of the gang from the manor was there too. 

"Everyone okay?" Harry said, looking from his friends to his house mates. Everyone was nodding. 

"Wouldn't be able to tell this was Gryffindor's common room would you?" I said sarcastically. Harry let out a small laugh. Then a body threw itself at me. Valentine.

"Oh, Fiadh, once Draco sent us that owl... well I couldn't believe- well at least you're safe... Mum and Dad were so worried and I can't believe... you helped us so much that night-" she sobbed into my shoulder. I held her shaking body as she cried.

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