Chapter 19

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Draco and I skipped all our classes the next day and spent the day in The Room of Requirement. It wasn't like there was anything for us to do there but we both knew going to classes would be futile at this point. Our minds were most definitely not on classes. As the name suggested the room provided everything we needed that day; comfortable sofas, food and even an exploding snap deck which wasn't touched.

Draco had taken to walking laps of the room while I lay on the sofa reading random books I found in the room or examining the variety of strange objects in the room. There was a tiara sitting on a bust which looked so expensive I didn't dare touch it but I spent a lot of time admiring.

"Draco your pacing is infuriating," I moaned from the sofa where I'd been trying to concentrate on a potions book.

"Oh, well sorry that I can't sit still, Rose," he muttered but he fell into the seat beside me. Instead of pacing he took to tapping his foot. I shot him an evil look but he didn't see it.

Outside it had grown dark but we still had hours until the Death Eaters would be coming through.

"Malfoy... tonight-" I began but he cut me off.

"Maybe we should eat downstairs with everyone later," he said quickly, "so no one thinks anything weird is going on."

"I think it's a bit late, we've not been to one class today. Ryan and Blaise won't let that slide."

"We can just say we were having some fun," he said, winking. This was not very Draco like, he had been nothing but a sullen brat all day. Not that I blamed him, it was just a fact.

"Oh, Pansy would love that," I mocked.

He rolled his eyes, "Parkinson has been obsessed with me from day one, it was bound to happen that she'd get her hands on me one day, I mean, who can blame her?"

I gave him a swift kick, hoping to knock his ego down a bit.

"What? Not like you could resist either," he teased, leaning towards me.

"May I remind you, Malfoy, that you kissed me," I leaned forwards so our eyes were level.

"Thats not how I remember it."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Weird, because actually, I don't remember it at all."

A smirk rose on his face, I knew exactly what I was doing and so did he.

"Maybe I can change that."

He closed the space between us, his lips only grazing mine so I could taste the mint on his breath and then he pressed his face hard against mine, his hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. My body felt as though a firework had gone off inside, tingles spread all down my limbs and spine, making me shiver. I bathed in his smell, the same as the Amortentia had smelled so many weeks ago. I felt his cold hand touch the warm skin of my leg as he pushed himself closer to me. His lips moved from my lips down to my jaw and ear. I allowed my hands to trace gently up his arm and tangled my fingers in his white hair. Our jumpers colliding on the ground, his lips burning my skin, his bare chest, his hands grabbing at my body like he'd never touched anyone before, my nails in his back, flashes of passion broken by intense silence and pauses and we stared into each others eyes, knowing what the other was thinking without saying it.

The Great Hall was packed by the time we made it down for dinner, we found Ryan, Pansy and Blaise and squeezed in beside them. I was still not talking to Ryan but there was no where else I could get in and at least the others were there to distract us.

"Where were you two all day?" Pansy asked looking between us two.

I struggled to keep a straight face, "Oh, we were sick."

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