Chapter 10

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Harry and I whirled around the dance floor to a Weird Sister's song. He grabbed my hand, twirling me around to the crazy beat, the curls in my hair had long fallen out but I wasn't mad about it. I was having the best time with Harry and my our friends.

Ryan, Hermione, Pansy and Blaise were dancing in a circle in the middle of the floor and Harry and I decided to dance our way over pushing though crowds of 5th years to get to them. Ryan grabbed my hand as we entered the circle, pulling me close so she could whisper in my ear.

"I'm having the best time ever!" she squealed. I laughed in response shouting "Me too!" over the music, spinning around, my head thrown back, soaking in my happiness. When I stopped twirling I was so dizzy I fell against Harry, breathless.

"Want to get some air?" he asked, steadying me. I nodded taking his hand and he lead me out to the front steps. Here the music of the Great Hall was muffled and you could hear some distant yells and giggles of the other students.

"I'm having a really good night," Harry said as we sat on the steps.

I smiled up at him, "Me too, thanks for asking me."

The October air was cold and Harry drew me into him to keep me warm. He smelled like wood fire and broom polish and I relaxed into him.

We stayed there for a while until we heard footsteps coming towards the steps. I looked around, seeing Draco standing there, staring at us with anger in his eyes. He didn't say a word and stalked away again.

"He's such a freak," I said, rolling my eyes, watching Draco leave.

"He's always been a prick," Harry said, his brow furrowing, "but this year... there's something up."

"Ryan said that too, she thinks something strange is going on."

Harry's head snapped around to look at me, "Really?" he asked, "like what?"

I shrugged, wondering why he was so interested, "She hasn't said. But..." I wondered if I should tell him where I had seen him going when I had followed him. I decided against it, Harry would think I was crazy if I was following people around Hogwarts.

"But what?" he pressed.

"Uh, but I just think he's a cockroach."

Harry nodded in agreement and began to tell me a story about when Malfoy had tried to get a Hippogriff murdered.

When the Ball had come to an end, Harry walked me to the common room. The halls quiet in the dungeon, he stopped me before the portrait.

"Fiadh, I wanted to say, thanks for coming with me, I really had a great time and I think you're really great," Harry's smile was sweet and he grabbed my hand. His green eyes sparkled beneath his glasses.

"I had a good time too, Harry, there's no need to thank me for coming," I said nudging his shoulder.

My blue eyes met his green ones and for a second the air was still, tense with electricity and just as I thought he was going to kiss me, Malfoy came down the steps.

I rolled my eyes, and slumped against the wall.

"Well, Potter, Rose. Have a good night?" Draco sneered. He was drunk, his tie was undone and his top buttons opened.

"Yes, actually, Malfoy," Harry said stepping towards him and I could feel the tension between the two.

"You're a fool, Rose, he's only using you until that Weasley girl is free," he drawled.

"Shut up Malfoy," said Harry, dangerously low, his hand on his wand. Who the hell brings a wand to a ball?

"Or what?"

Harry pointed his wand at Draco and Draco pulled out his own.

"Stop!" I yelled, pushing myself off the wall.

"Harry, go, I'll see you later."


"Just go," I said, softer this time, trying to show him I wasn't upset with him.

I grabbed Malfoy and tugged him into the common room.

"Let go of me!" he said, ripping his arm away from me.

"You're drunk, Malfoy," I hissed, grabbing a cup, whispering "Aguamenti" and handing the cup to him.

"You're a bitch," he said, taking the cup and downing the water, "I promise you, Potter's up to no good."

"No offence, Draco, but I'm not about to take love advice from you."

He rolled his eyes.

"If I didn't know any better, Malfoy, I'd say you were jealous," I mocked, not believing what I was saying. Of course he wasn't jealous, he was Draco Malfoy and he wasn't bothered by any girl. Especially not me, he hated me, that much he made obvious.

"In your dreams, Rose," he hissed.

Realising now was a perfect time to get him to speak to me I decided to try ask him again about what he had meant that night after the party.

"That night, after the party... what did you mean?"

"You're persistent, I'll give you that, Rose," he said, getting up from the sofa and starting to the boys dorms, "but I still have no idea what you're talking about."

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