"Holy Shit, I Have What!?"

Start from the beginning

Before I met Eren, I would go days without sleeping and if I did manage to get to sleep, it would only be for a few hours. 

There was a loud crash and I looked back towards Hanji to see what she was doing.

"Sorry, I just dropped a plate, it didn't break, don't worry,"

"Be careful, four eyes, don't destroy my kitchen please,"

"Will do,"

I turned back to Eren to see if the sound woke him and thankfully he didn't or else glasses would be in trouble.

Eren POV

I open my eyes and sit up. I was confused for a second as I forgot that I was on the couch. 

There were noises coming from the kitchen and I turned my head to see Hanji making something in a pan and humming a tune to a song.

I didn't notice at first because I was half awake but my shoulders ache like crazy and the skin feels really sensitive to the touch. Mind you, I'm only wearing a pair of sweatpants

The feeling of the blanket around my shoulders began to feel uncomfortable so I pulled it off and set it in my lap.

I look over to Levi who has his head leaned back, resting against the couch with his eyes closed, so I decided to do the same as him.

As soon as my back touched the couch, I felt a tingling sensation go through my whole back and I almost yelped at the strange sensation and quickly stood up.

Levi was startled by my sudden movements and stood up too.

"Eren, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, my back is really sensitive right now, every time something touches it, I get this weird sensation,"

"Well, turn around and let me see," I turned so Levi could see my back.

After a few seconds, his hands started to feel around my back and I almost moved away as that made the sensation worse.

"Well, I don't see anything, Eren, but your skin feels really hot like you have a fever. Are you feeling ok?"

"No, I feel fine, it's just the skin near my shoulder blades feels really sensitive to touch,"

He kept lightly touching my back to feel for anything that might be wrong.

"Is everything ok, Eren," Hanji asked from the kitchen.

"I don't know, Hanji,"

"What's wrong, I could help if there's a problem,"

"The skin on my back feels very sensitive to touch right now and it feels really weird when something touches it,"

Hanji walks over to me and stands next to Levi. She starts to inspect my back then lightly presses to random places.

"Wow, Eren, you're really warm,"

"That's what I said, four eyes, it's like he has a fever but just in his back," Levi pointed out.

Suddenly, I felt something move beneath the skin by my shoulder blades. It didn't hurt but it felt extremely unnatural.

"Levi, did you see that?" I asked him.

"See what?"

"I just felt something move under my skin,"

"I didn't see anything move,"

"Something moved, I don't know wh..." I stopped as I felt it again. The feeling didn't stop and started to become lightheaded.

"Eren, what was that?" Hanji inquired.

I couldn't answer her as my brain was a little fuzzy. 

"Wait, Hanji, I think I know what's going on," Levi proclaimed.

"What's going on, Levi,"

"Don't you see it? The weird feeling in his back, sensitivity to touch, and a warm feeling to the skin,"

Understanding came across her face as well as a look of confusion.

"H-how is this possible, Levi, he's a demon,"

"Not entirely, I'll explain later, it's a long story,"

As I was about to say something, pain erupted from my shoulders and I fell to my knees as I felt something come out of my back. The pain went away as soon as it came and I was left panting on the ground.

I felt an unfamiliar weight on my back.

"Oh. My. God. Eren," Levi said with surprise and disbelief in his voice.

"What is it, Levi?" I asked him, getting worried by the looks on Levi's and Hanji's faces.

"Eren, y-you have w-" Hanji stuttered with a dumbstruck expression on her face.

"I have what? Just tell me!" I yelled out.

"You have wings, Eren," My eyes widened and I looked behind me to see that two wings had sprouted from my back.

"Holy shit, I have what!?"

Scouts Honor (Riren)(Scouts Honor Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now