Lisa: Vinyl, of course.

Host: Early Bird or Night Owl

Lisa: Early Bird

Host: Tokyo or Paris?

Lisa: Tokyo

Host: Summer or Winter

Lisa: Winter

Host: Email or Letter

Lisa: Letters to Jennie

Host: Instagram, Twitter or Facebook?

Lisa: I don't have any.

Host: Dinner Date or Skydive

Lisa: Skydive. Jennie loves adventures.

Host: First Kiss or First Hug

Lisa: Both. But the kiss was more delish.

God Lisa. What was it? Food?

Host: What is the most annoying question that people ask you?

Lisa: That if I know I'm good-looking.

Lisa became really shy.

Host: You are undeniably good-looking and hot, General.

Lisa is blushing and just looked down and chuckled.

Host: What's your dream car?

Lisa: I already have it, the Bugatti Noire. But I'll be getting a bigger one once we have a baby already.

Yeeeeeee. I'm blushiiiiing.

Host: Where is the most interesting place you've ever been?

Lisa: Jennie's universe.

Ayeeeeeeee!!!!!!! ayeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Host: What are you looking forward in the coming months?

Lisa: My wedding.

Host: What fictional place would you like to go?

Lisa: Hogwarts.

Host: What part of the human face is your favorite?

Lisa: hmmm. It's just Jennie's mole below her brow. I really find it hot aside from her bumbum.

Lisa!!!!!!! Why are you talking about my butt. My butt is not situated on my face!!!! The host's eyes widened.

Host: Fast or Slow?

Lisa: Slow but deep.

Lord, please let her go home now!!!! I regret persuading her to be on this show. Huhuhu

Host: Best time for sex?

Lisa: Anytime.

Host: Best position?

Lisa: Secret. You wouldn't wanna know. Kids are still probably watching now?

Host: Huge or tiny weenie?

Lisa: Huge! God!

Host: Wow!

Host: Sexiest part of your body?

Lisa: Oh. I don't know. Well, Jennie never really told me specifically which part of my body cause she's always been telling me that my mind is the sexiest. But... i don't know...maybe my lips?

Host: I agree on both.

Host: When was the last time you flirted with someone?

Lisa: Just an hour ago. I flirted with Jennie on text.

Host: What defines you?

Lisa: My principles.

Host: What is the biggest misconception about you?

Lisa: That I am a snob but actually I am just really shy.

Host: The best books you've read?

Lisa: Choke, The Old Man and The Sea, Tuesdays with Morrie, Fight Club, Invisible Monster, Damned, Snuff, Fugitives and Refugees, Doomed, Beautiful You.

Host: Oh, the General has good taste.

Host: If you were to confess only one sin to God, what would it be?

Lisa: That I stole Jennie away from her suitors. Sorry guys!

Hahahah! Lisaaaaaa! You really should go home now, Love.

Host: When was the last time you had sex?

Lisa: Before I came here.

Baby, you don't have to be too honest on that show! Huhuhuhu

Host: Oooooooh.

Host: and last but not the least...

Lisa: Oh, finally. I thought this was fast talk.

Everyone laughed in the audience. The host can't stop chuckling too.

Host: Sex or Chocolate. Answer it. Everyone's waiting for this, General. Sex or Chocolate?

Lisa: Sex with chocolate on top.

Babyyyyyyyy, go home now!!!!!!

I think you already know what happened when she got home. *wink

(Ingat, Tito Boy! Lisa can make gays go straight and straight people go gay. 🙊
Joooooke! )

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